Sanitary facilities shall be designed and constructed by the developer as required for the district in which the proposed development or subdivision is located for the proper disposal of wastes for each lot, as follows:
(a)   Public System. Where the proposed subdivision or development is located in a district requiring sanitary sewers and such a sewer outlet is accessible within 1,000 feet, a public sanitary sewer system shall be provided and connected thereto and a building connection shall be provided for each lot in a subdivision.
(b)   Independent System. Where a subdivision or development of fifty or more units is not within 1,000 feet of a sanitary sewer outlet, the Planning Commission may permit an independent system.
(1)   An independent system shall include a primary and secondary treatment plant and a building connection for each lot. Such system shall be designed and the plant located so that it can be integrated into the sewer plans of the City and the temporary treatment plant abandoned when public trunk sewers are installed.
(2)   Where a number of small subdivisions or developments are proposed for adjacent tracts or in close proximity, and where the combined developments will aggregate at least fifty units or at least fifty acres, the City may construct an independent sanitary system and assess the costs to the benefitting owners.
(3)   An independent treatment plant shall be located on a site of sufficient area to serve the entire tributary area and be located at least 300 feet, or as may be further required, from any dwelling.
(c)   Design Standards. The sanitary system shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the Construction Specifications adopted by Council.
(Ord. 1997-117. Passed 9-16-97.)