The location, width and number of entrance and exit access drives to accessory parking spaces shall be in accordance with the following:
   (a)   Location. Access drives shall be located in such a manner as to interfere as little as possible with the use of adjacent residential property and flow of traffic on adjacent streets, and to avoid undue interference with pedestrian access to street corners. Access drives on corner lots shall be located as far from the street intersection as practicable. For parking areas having a capacity of ten or more vehicles, the center line of the driveway apron shall be located not less than seventy-five feet from the nearest street intersection right of way line.
   (b)   Number of Drives.
      (1)   Parking areas having a capacity of twenty (20) spaces or less shall have at least one (1) single-lane driveway.
      (2)   Parking areas having a capacity of more than twenty (20) spaces shall be permitted one (1) two-way access drive or a pair of one-way drives. For lots with more than 150 feet of frontage on one street, one (1) additional two-way drive or pair of one-way drives may be permitted.
      (3)   Driveways shall not exceed three (3) lanes in width.
   (c)   Width. The width of access drives for multi-family dwellings and non-residential uses shall be not less than ten (10) feet per exit lane and fifteen (15) feet per entrance lane and shall have a total width of not more than thirty-six (36) feet, measured at the property line. Single-family and two-family residential uses shall have an access drive with a minimum width of eight (8) feet.
   (d)   Radius. The radius of the edge of the driveway apron shall be at least thirty (30) feet so that a vehicle may enter from or exit onto the curb lane without obstructing vehicles in other traffic lanes.
   (e)   Board Approval. Access driveway locations shall be approved by the Ingress- Egress Board after consideration of each of the above factors.
      (Ord. 2020-21. Passed 2-18-20.)