If the number of parking spaces required in Schedule 1161.04 is substantially larger than the number anticipated by the applicant and the applicant provides sufficient evidence that supports the reduced parking needs, a site plan may be approved with a lesser number of parking spaces provided:
   (a)   That the total number of spaces initially provided shall not be less than seventy percent (70%) of the spaces required by Schedule 1161.04.
   (b)   That suitable area(s) are reserved for the construction of the balance of the total number of spaces otherwise required by Schedule 1161.04 and shall be illustrated on the site plan in locations and with landscaping in full compliance with this Code.
   (c)   That Planning Commission, upon reevaluation of the project's parking needs, may at any time direct that some or all of the land banked spaces be constructed.
   (d)   That any additional parking shall be provided according to the approved site plan and only after approval of the construction plans by the City engineer.
      (Ord. 2020-21. Passed 2-18-20.)