Off-street parking regulations are established to achieve, among others, the following:
(a) To relieve congestion so streets can be utilized more fully for movement of vehicular traffic;
(b) To promote the safety and convenience of pedestrians and shoppers by separating parking areas and extensive car movements in the vicinity of pedestrian ways;
(c) To protect adjoining residential neighborhoods from on-street parking; and
(d) To promote the general convenience, welfare and prosperity of residential, business, service and manufacturing developments, which depend on off-street parking facilities.
(e) To provide enough on-site parking to accommodate the majority of traffic generated by the range of uses which might locate at the site over time.
(f) To prevent the creation of surplus amounts of parking spaces and reduce unnecessary amounts of impervious surface by allowing for a reduction in parking requirements where warranted.
(Ord. 2020-21. Passed 2-18-20.)