Accessory uses, buildings and structures permitted in an Airport District shall conform to the regulations of this section.
   (a)   Waste Receptacles. All solid waste products resulting from any permitted principal, conditionally permitted or permitted accessory use shall either be disposed of or stored in buildings or completely enclosed containers. Such building, container or dumpster may be located in a side or rear yard and shall comply with the minimum parking setbacks established in Schedule 1149.05.
   (b)   Fences and Walls. Fences and walls may be erected in an Airport District provided they comply with the regulations of Section 1179.03.
   (c)   Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations. Off-street parking and loading areas shall conform to the minimum parking setback requirements specified in Section 1149.05 and shall otherwise conform to the regulations of Chapter 1161. Garages shall conform to the yard requirements of Sections 1149.03 and 1149.04 as applicable, and the height regulation of Section 1149.06.
   (d)   Signs. Signs shall be in compliance with the regulations specified in Chapter 1163.
   (e)   Medical clinics, lunchrooms, cafeterias and recreational facilities which are accessory to a principal or conditional use, shall be completely enclosed in and accessed internally from the principal or conditional use.
(Ord. 2020-21. Passed 2-18-20.)