Buildings and land shall be used, and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered, moved, or maintained, in whole or in part, in an Airport District only for a use specified herein as either a principal use, conditional use or accessory use.
   (a)   Principal Uses. The categories of principal uses (together with their accessory uses) permitted by right in the Airport District are as follows:
      (1)   Airport Uses.
         A.   Airport administration and control structures;
         B.   Passenger and freight terminals;
         C.   Aircraft sales, rental, repair, reconstruction, research and development;
         D.   Aircraft hangars;
         E.   Landing pads and runways, provided no new runways shall be constructed closer than 500 feet from the Airport District and/or airport property lines, and such limitation shall apply to new ramps and/or taxiways;
         F.   Aircraft fuel-handling facilities;
         G.   Aircraft handling, training and instruction; and
         H.   Communications center and weather bureau.
      (2)   Airport Related Uses.
         A.   Motels and hotels;
         B.   Restaurants and cocktail lounges, see also Section 1155.04(mm);
         C.   Offices;
         D.   Business equipment and supplies;
         E.   Service establishments, including post offices and package delivery services;
         F.   Auto rental establishments and associated parking lots; and
         G.   Certain retail uses targeted to airport employees, pilots and travelers, including, but not limited to, barber and beauty shops, gift, and tailor shops.
      (3)   Manufacturing Uses Permitted by Right in Limited Industrial (L-I) Districts.
   (b)   Conditional Uses. The following categories of conditional uses may (together with their accessory uses) be permitted, provided they conform to the conditions, standards and requirements of Chapter 1155 and are approved for a particular lot in accordance with the administrative provisions of Section 1109.05 and the requirements of this Chapter:
      (1)   Restricted industry related specifically to aircraft or air transportation;
      (2)   Wholesaling, and warehousing; and
      (3)   Laboratories and research facilities.
      (4)   Commercial facilities for indoor and outdoor recreation.
      (5)   Employer child care facility.
      (6)   Conditional uses in Limited Industrial (L-I) Districts, unless specifically permitted in subsection (a) above.
   (c)   Accessory Uses. Accessory uses and structures that are clearly incidental and subordinate to a permitted principal or conditional use, and located on the same lot as the principal or conditional use are permitted provided such accessory uses are intended to serve transient traffic and/or airport personnel, and shall include the following:
      (1)   Medical clinics, lunchrooms, cafeterias in association with a permitted use and located in the same building as the permitted use;
      (2)   Recreation facilities in association with a permitted use intended for use by employees or customers of the permitted use.
      (3)   Accessory garages and off-street parking areas;
      (4)   Signs;
      (5)   Trash receptacles; and
      (6)   Fences and walls. (Ord. 2020-21. Passed 2-18-20.)