Business Districts and their regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(a) To provide in appropriate and convenient districts, sufficient areas for business activities, the exchange of goods and services;
(b) To protect residential neighborhoods adjacent to business uses by restricting the types of business, particularly at the common boundaries, which would create congestion, noise or other objectionable influences;
(c) To protect and stabilize both residential and business developments from congestion by requiring off-street parking facilities;
(d) To provide a Limited Residential Business (L-RB) District for the residential areas along Euclid Avenue near downtown that are undergoing change, in order to ensure that future non-residential development is compatible with the existing character of the area.
(e) To provide Office Building Districts (O-B) to promote accessible and visible office parks where offices are clustered with minimal intrusion from non-office uses;
(f) To provide a Downtown Business District (D-B) to preserve the downtown as a core for retail sales and to provide opportunities for supplemental housing that supports the downtown retail and, more specifically, is consistent with the evaluations or surveys of buildings that have been conducted by the City. It is the further purpose of this district to promote and enhance the existing compact pedestrian orientation of the Downtown by permitting buildings close to the street and to one another and modifying the parking regulations.
(g) To provide Retail Business Districts (R-B) for certain retail and personal service establishments in areas adjacent to residential neighborhoods that are not located at major intersections or on major streets, and to ensure that these areas are developed in a manner appropriate for locations abutting residential areas;
(h) To provide General Business Districts (G-B) for commercial services and activities in locations that are adequately served by major streets and other facilities and to encourage the grouping of businesses in shopping centers.
(i) To provide the Lakeshore Gateway District (L-G) for allowing and fostering an appropriate mix of commercial, retail and residential development and redevelopment opportunities in the north end of Willoughby.
(j) To promote the most desirable and beneficial use of the land in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan.
(Ord. 2020-21. Passed 2-18-20.)