Ord. No.    Date    Description
231    11-12-1894    Purchase of land for an electric light and power plant.
249    10-6-1898    Appropriation of part of Lots 95 and 112 for street purposes.
259    5-20-01    Purchase of land abutting Erie St. for street purposes.
379-1/2    9-29-13    Purchase of Sublot 66 in the Lawnfield Allotment for storage purposes.
468    12-23-18    Sale of part of Lot 2, Tract 9 (Water Works Reservoir).
481    7-7-19    Sale of part of Lots 7 and 8 in Beidler and Blish Survey.
489    12-29-19    Purchase of Parcel E in Clermont Realty Co.'s Subdivision No. 2.
504    9-29-21    Purchase of part of Parcel B, Orchard Park Subdivision for water works purposes.
514    12-30-21    Purchase of land adjoining Second St. for fire engine and jail purposes.
538    1-13-36    Mortgage foreclosure on Daniels Memorial Park.
990    7-18-38    Purchase of Lot 39, Merchant's Survey.
1011    4-8-40    Purchase of Lot 107.
1026    6-9-41    Sale of part of Lot 115.
1030    7-21-41    Purchase of part of Lot 128.
1067    3-19-45    Purchase of certain property.
1101    6-23-47    Purchase of Sublot 43 in the Orchard Park Allotment.
1103    7-28-47    Purchase of Willoughby Township Hall lot.
788    1-12-48    Corrects description of Low deed of Feb., 1936.
1120    6-14-48    Deed to State of Ohio for erection of an armory.
827    12-13-48    Purchase of strip adjacent to water plant.
838    1-24-49    Purchase of Chace property on Grove Ave.
1950-20    4-10-50    Purchase of part of Lot 1, Block 1, of the Talbot and McKinney Allotment from Thomas and Casper for extension of Clark Ave.
1950-21    4-10-50    Purchase of part of Lot 22 in Tract 13 from Dymock for extension of Clark Ave.
1950-22    4-10-50    Purchase of part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, of the Talbot and McKinney Allotment from Kanaga for extension of Clark Ave.
1950-35    5-22-50    Sale of house and garage on premises purchased from Dymock.
1950-58    9-11-50    Purchase of part of Lots 40, 41, 42, and 74, Merchant's Survey, from Olsaver for park purposes.
1950-64    11-13-50    Sale of premises purchased from Dymock.
1951-20    4-23-51    Purchase of Sublots 1 to 8 in the River Bow Subdivision of a part of Lot 6, Tract 13, Willoughby Twp.
Ord. No.    Date    Description
1951-23    5-14-51    Purchase of part of Lot 6, Tract 13.
1951-39    7-9-51    Appropriation of Sublots 1 to 4, Riverbow Subdivision of part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lot 1, Tract 9 and Lot 6, Tract 13.
1951-48    10-8-51    Purchase of Sublot A13, Block 6, Willobee-on-the-Lake Allotment of a part of Original Willoughby Twp. Lots 2 and 3, Douglas Tract, from Township Trustees.
1951-53    11-12-51    Purchase of part of Lots 96 and 97 of St. John's Survey in Original Lot 107 from Holzberger.
1952-9    3-10-52    Appropriation of Sublot 10 in the River Bow Subdivision of a part of Lot 6, Tract 13.
1952-10    3-10-52    Appropriation of Sublot 12 in the River Bow Subdivision of a part of Lot 6, Tract No. 13.
1952-11    3-10-52    Appropriation of Sublot 9 in the River Bow Subdivision of a part of Lot 6, Tract 13.
1952-12    3-10-52    Appropriation of Sublots 13 and 14 of River Bow Subdivision of a part of Lot 6, Tract 13.
1952-15    3-24-52    Purchase of property near Riverside Dr. and intersection of River St. and Hastings Ave. from Eshelman.
1952-25   4-20-52    Purchase of Sublot 40 of the St. Clair Subdivision No. 3 from Olsaver.
1953-38    5-25-53    Appropriation of Lots 9 to 15 in the River Bow Subdivision of a part of Lot 6, Tract 13.
1954-84    10-25-54    Purchase of two parcels south and adjacent to River Rd. from the Cleveland Trust Co.
1955-21    3-28-55    Purchase of land on East Spaulding St. for off-street parking.
1955-53    6-27-55    Purchase of part of Lot 34, Tract 13 from Gaub, Herron and Krause.
1955-59    7-18-55    Purchase of part of Lots 112 and 114 in the Willoughby Land and Improvement Co.’s Allotment from A. C. Properties, Inc.
1956-44    8-8-56    Accepting Eastlake deed of a site for a sewage treatment plant.
1957-28    4-22-57    Purchase of Sublot 5, Block 1 in Talbot and McKinney's New Willoughby Subdivision.
1957-41    5-13-57    Purchase of part of Lot 4, Tract 14.
1958-21    4-21-58    Purchase of part of Lot 2, Tract 13 and part of Mather Tract.
1959-1    1-12-59    Sale of Sublots 153 and 155 to 159 of Orchard Park Allotment.
1959-14    2-23-59    Purchase of Sublot 154 of Orchard Park Allotment No. 2.
1959-25    4-13-59    Accepting sales bid of property described in Ord. 1959-1 of Shirmar Building Co.
Ord. No.    Date    Description
1959-26    4-13-59    Purchase of Lot 1, Tract 14, from Shirmar Building Co.
1959-41    5-25-59    Sale of Sublot 154 of Orchard Park Allotment No. 2.
1959-60    7-13-59    Accepting sales bid of property described in Ord. 1959-41 of Shirmar Building Co.
1959-61    7-13-59    Purchase of Sublot 153 of Orchard Park Allotment No. 2 from Shirmar Building Co.
1959-83    11-23-59    Purchase of part of Lot 10 in the Gore Tract.
1959-84    9-28-59    Purchase of part of Lot 3, Tract 13.
1959-93    11-18-59    Sale of Parcel B and Sublots 376 to 381 of Orchard Park Allotment No. 2.
1959-102    12-28-59    Accepting sales bid of property described in Ord. 1959-93 of Shirmar Building Co.
1959-103    12-28-59    Purchase of part of Lot 1, Tract 14 from Shirmar Building Co.
1960-12    2-8-60    Deed of part of Lot 6, Tract 13, from Gubanc.
1960-45    6-13-60    Accepting deed of part of Lot 3, Tract 3, from Boyer.
1960-46    6-13-60    Accepting deed of part of Lot 109, Merchants Survey, from the Economy Engineering Co.
1960-47    6-13-60    Accepting deed of part of Lot 109, Merchants Survey, from the Eagle Picher Co.
1961-10    2-27-61    Amends Ord. 1959-61; purchase of Sublot 153 of Orchard Park Allotment from Shirmar Building Co.
1961-18    3-13-61    Purchase of part of Great Lot 2, Tract 13, from Howard Moore.
1961-83    11-13-61    Acceptance of quit claim deed from Economy Engineering Co. for part of Lot 109, Merchant's Survey.
1961-90    12-26-61    Authorizing acceptance of deed from Sam Investments, Inc., for strip of land in Original Willoughby Lot 2.
1962-32    4-9-62    Authorizing purchase of land on Grove Ave. between Second St. and Talbot Ave. from East Ohio Gas Co.
1962-37    4-9-62    Accepting quit claim deed from Ohio Rubber Co. over part of Original Lot 8.
1963-11    1-28-63    Authorizing purchase of part of Lots 40 to 42, Merchant's Survey, from Olsaver.
1963-12    2-11-63    Authorizing purchase of part of Lot 34, Merchant's Survey, from Gaub, Kraus and Herron.
1963-28    4-22-63    Authorizing purchase of Lot 38, Merchant's Survey, from Hodgson.
1964-53    8-3-64    Authorizes purchase of 8.533 acres from the Willoughby- Eastlake Board of Education.
1964-61    9-28-64    Authorizes Mayor to acquire property at westerly and southerly end of Jordan Dr.
1964-85    12-14-64    Authorizes option agreement to purchase 66 acres from Osborne Estates Co.
Ord. No.    Date    Description
1964-87    12-14-64    Appropriating Birchwood Dr. for street or highway purposes.
1965-6    2-8-65    Authorizes option agreement to purchase 66 acres from Osborne Estates Co.
1965-86    9-13-65    Authorizes purchase of real estate from Hawgood in Lot 1, Douglas Tract.
1966-11    2-14-66    Acceptance of interests in various real estate, including Birchwood Dr., a 1-ft. strip adjacent thereto, part of N. Beachview Dr. and the Osborne property.
1966-27    2-28-66    Authorizes Director of Law to file actions for appropriation of formerly vacated portion of North Beachview Dr.
1966-57    5-23-66    Authorizes purchase of sublots in the Arrowhead Beach Allotment for sewer purposes.
1966-77    12-19-66    Acceptance of real estate on Oak St. from Nichols.
1967-4    1-23-67    Accepting real estate on Waite Hill Rd. from Osborne.
1967-119    11-20-67    Authorizes purchase from Kelly of Sublot 125 in Country Estates Subdivision for sewer purposes.
1968-15    2-12-68    Authorizes purchase of parts of Lot 6, Tract 13, for recreational purposes.
1968-18    2-12-68    Authorizes purchase of part of Gore Lot from Venditti for utility purposes.
1969-106    12-18-69    Purchase of water line in Lost Nation and Pelton Rds. and Mentor Ave. from Ohio Water Service Co.
1970-44    4-27-70    Authorizes purchase of property adjacent to Daniels Park from Scaffidi.
1970-80    8-11-70    Authorizes purchase of Sublot 3, Karen Isle Dr., Ridge Acres No. 3 Subdivision, from Pena Realty, Inc.
1970-79    10-20-70    Accepting conveyance to the City of Parcel B, Ridge Estates No. 3 Subdivision, from Willobee Plazas, Inc.
1970-80    10-28-70    Accepting conveyance to the City of property on Euclid Ave. from CRS, Inc.
1971-121    7-13-71    Authorizes exchange of parcels of real estate in Ridge Acres Park with Kilarney Apartments, Inc.
1971-122    7-13-71    Authorizes exchange of parcels of real estate in Ridge Acres Park with Kilarney Apartments, Inc.
1971-74    7-21-71    Accepting property in Andrews Estate Subdivision from Lacik for sidewalk purposes.
1971-135    8-25-71    Authorizes purchase of property from Andrews School for Girls for solid waste plant purposes.
Bill No.    Date    Description
1971-89    9-7-71    Accepting conveyance to the City of property in Ridge Acres Park from Kilarney Apartments, Inc.
1971-99    10-19-71    Accepting property in Arrowhead Beach Allotment No. 2 from Semple for park purposes.
1973-56    6-3-73    Authorizes settlement of litigation and deed from Com-Del , Inc., for 75 ft. strip for park purposes.
1973-254    10-16-73    Accepting conveyance to the City of property at southeast corner of Rte. 91 and Euclid Ave. from Com-Del, Inc.
1973-319    12-18-73    Accepting conveyance to the City of property on Lost Nation Rd. from Smith for a Fire Station.
1974-19    2-5-74    Authorizes purchase of parcel of land on Harvard Dr. from A. C. Properties, Inc.
1974-44    2-19-74    Authorizes purchase of parcel of land on Euclid Ave. from the Willoughby-Eastlake Board of Education for police station purposes.
1974-239    9-17-74    Authorizes purchase of property on Kirtland Rd. from Andrews School for Girls for fire station purposes.
1974-250    10-1-74    Authorizes purchase of Sublot 16, Block 6, Lake Forest Subdivision.
1974-277    12-19-74    Accepting conveyance to the City of property from the Willoughby Eastlake Board of Education for safety center purposes.
1975-15    1-21-75    Authorizes purchase of real estate on Lost Nation Rd. from Kapel for fire station purposes.
1975-62    4-22-75    Accepting deed to property on Lost Nation Rd. for fire station purposes.
1975-94    6-3-75    Reconveyance of property on Lost Nation Rd. to Kent H. Smith.
1976-57    4-6-76    Accepts conveyance to part of Lot 1, Tract 10 in original Willoughby Twp. for recreational purposes only.
1976-75    4-20-76    Repeals Bill 1974-239.
1976-79    11-16-76    Authorizes sale of former Fire Station property on Lost Nation Rd. and former Police Station property on Second St.
1976-87    4-20-76    Authorizes purchase of part of Lot 1, Tract 4 from Richard Parker for future fire station purposes.
1976-138    6-15-76    Accepts deed to property of Thomas M. Moore in Breezy Hills Allotment No. 1 for public purposes.
1976-225    10-5-76    Accepting conveyance of part of Lot 1, Tract 4 from Richard and Ann Parker.
1977-152    6-21-77    Authorizes sale of Sublots 164, 165 and 166 in Orchard Park Allotment.
1977-233    10-6-77    Authorizes purchase of Sublots 164 and 166 from Paul Kontra.
1977-248    10-20-77    Authorizes sale of Second Street Police Station to Donald L. Milmine.
1977-260    11-4-77    Amending Bill 1977-233.
1978-28    2-21-78    Authorizes sale of Parcel 7, Sublot 46, Block A in Arrowhead Beach Allotment to Richard L. Six.
Bill No.    Date    Description
1978-97    5-16-78    Authorizes transfer of property from T.E.K. and Associates to David Slyman for mortgage purposes.
1978-133    6-20-78    Authorizes contract with State of Ohio for sale of certain City owned property for highway purposes.
1978-241    12-5-78    Authorizes Mayor to transfer City's public water system to Lake County Commissioners.
Ord. No.    Date    Description
1979-280    12-18-79    Accepts conveyance of 0.206 acres from Serves, Inc. of which 0.193 acres is in Willoughby Hills and 0.013 is in Willoughby.
1980-285    12-16-80    Accepts conveyance from John M. Rodger of Sublot 21 in Block 1 of Willobee-on-the-Lake Subdivision.
1980-307    12-16-80    Purchase of 38267 East Spaulding St.
1981-39    2-17-81    Accepts conveyance from Ericson of land located in Industrial Parkway and Depot Rd.
1981-40    2-17-81    Accepts conveyance from Ericson of land located at Sharpe Ave. and Depot Rd.
1981-78    4-7-81    Accepts conveyance from Friedman of land located on Lost Nation Rd.
1981-149    6-16-81    Accepts conveyance from Callaly of 1002 North Beachview Dr.
1981-200    8-18-81    Accepts conveyance from Sykes of 38303 and 38309 Beachview.
1981-256    10-20-81    Authorizes sale of Sublot No. 24.
1982-41    3-16-82    Purchase of 1008 North Beachview from Veterans Administration.
1982-115    6-1-82    Accepting Fiduciary Deed of Julius Paris, Trustee, for the Meadowlands Subdivision.
1982-128    6-15-82    Sale of 4369 River St.
1982-163    8-17-82    Conveyance of 1008 Beachview from the Veterans Administration.
1982-199    9-21-82    Sale of 4369 River St. to Robert E. Ice.
1983-39    3-1-83    Accepts two parcels of land at Lost Nation Rd. and Aquarius Parkway from Milan S. and Eleanor A. Kapel, Lawrence and Vera Gaudio and Carl and Florence Pietrangelo.
1983-45    3-1-83    Accepts 38311 North Beachview from James and Mary Snedden.
1983-136    6-7-83    Authorizes exercise of option to purchase property at 37337 Second St. from Harsim Corp.
1984-166    8-7-84    Accepts conveyance from Paul J. & Dolores Kankula of land located at 38407 Beachview Dr.
1984-246    12-4-84    Appropriates land situated in Lot 23, Township 9 and Range 10 West for a City Service Garage.
1984-254    12-18-84    Sale of land on Cherokee Tr., identified as Sublot 30 to Raymond C. Overbaugh.
Ord. No.    Date    Description
1985-19    2-19-85    Accepting property located at 38321 Beachview Rd. from Paul J. and Jo Ann L. Welker.
1985-20    2-19-85    Exchange of property with Julius Paris for the expansion of the WPCC in the Meadowlands Subdivision.
1985-52    3-19-85    Accepts property from TWA Inc. in regard to WPCC Improvements.
1986-67    3-18-86    Purchase agreement with Case Western Reserve University and establishing an escrow for acquisition of Lost Nation Airport.
1986-90    4-15-86    Execution of real estate agreement with ODOT and Lake County relative to Lost Nation Road improvement project.
1986-141    7-1-86    Purchase of Sublot 23 in Polo Park Estates Subdivision.
1986-206    10-7-86    Accepts warranty deed from Ednap, Inc. for sublot 23 in Phase I of Polo Park Estates Subdivision.
1986-259    12-30-86    Purchase of Lost Nation Golf Course.
1987-126    7-14-87    Conveying City's interest and title to the State of certain property for the Lost Nation Road widening project.
1987-195    9-15-87    Purchase of 38581 Beachview Rd. for $3,500.
1987-210    10-6-87    Appropriating the fee simple title in and to real estate known as Oak Hill Drive for roadway improvement purposes.
1987-265    12-15-87    Accepting a warranty deed from Lulu Wills for real property known as 38343 Beachview.
1988-10    1-5-88    Authorizing the sale of real property owned by the City to Carol G. Knight.
1988-38    3-2-88    Accepting a warranty deed from Gerrit H. Joosten for real property located at 38317 North Beachview Drive.
1988-46    3-15-88    Appropriating real property for the purpose of improving Lost Nation Road.
1988-99    5-24-88    Appropriating real property for the purpose of improving Lost Nation Road.
1988-105    6-7-88    Accepting a Sheriff's Deed for real property on Beachview Rd. from the estate of Nicholas J. Tredanary.
1988-114    7-5-88    Appropriating real property for the purpose of improving Lost Nation Road.
1988-129    7-5-88    Accepting a warranty deed from Philip J. Rees for property located at 38345 Beachview Road.
1988-212    11-1-88    Appropriating the fee simple title in and to certain Beachview Rd. real estate for the purpose of protecting City utility facilities.
1988-215    11-1-88    Appropriating real property for the purpose of improving Lost Nation Road.
Ord. No.   Date    Description
1989-50   3-7-89   Accepts warranty deed from Sophia Griffin and Milburn and Genevieve Griffin for Lost Nation Rd. widening project.
1989-114   6-6-89   Appropriates property for purpose of improving Lost Nation Rd.
1989-125   7-11-89   Accepts conveyance of Glenn Ave. Substation and partial release from Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co.
1989-135   7-11-89   Purchase of property adjacent to Lost Nation Municipal Airport from and sale of Vine St. property to Edward and Sandra Figler.
1989-136   7-11-89   Sale of Sublot No. 9 in Western Reserve Commerce Park Subdivision to Duke Manufacturing Co.
1989-194   10-17-89   Purchase of property at 38397 Beachview Rd. from Frank Gromley.
1989-195   10-17-89   Purchase of property at 799 Eaglewood Dr. from Roger Casteel.
1989-218   11-21-89   Accepts conveyance of property at 38337 Beachview Rd. from James and Victoria Wallace.
1989-219   11-21-89   Accepts conveyance of property at 38349 Beachview Rd. from Susan Dowen.
1990-8   1-16-90   Accepts conveyance of property in Willoughby Industrial Park Subdivision from Edward and Sandra Figler; and property at Lost Nation Airport from Kucera International, Inc.
1990-19   2-2-90   Accepts conveyance of property in Willoughby Industrial Park Subdivision from Emerallawn Landscaping, Inc.
1990-103   6-5-90   Accepts conveyance of property at 779 Eaglewood Dr. from estate of Cassandra Casteel.
1990-130   7-10-90   Purchase of property on Beachview Rd. from Willobee Shore Club.
1990-196   11-20-90   Appropriating certain real property for the purpose of improving Lost Nation Rd.
1990-212   12-4-90   Authorizing sale of surplus property owned by the City on Cherokee Trail.
1991-31   3-5-91   Authorizing conveyance and use of Lost Nation Municipal Airport land to Ohio Department of Transportation.
1991-42   3-19-91   Authorizing sale of surplus property owned by the City on Cherokee Trail; Repeals Ordinance 1990-212.
1991-71   5-7-91   Authorizing purchase of property from Bruce and Betty J. Huston for Willoughby Lost Nation Municipal Airport Clear Zone.
1991-101   6-25-91   Authorizes Mayor to execute purchase and indemnity agreements with Andrews School for the shredder and landfill property.
Ord. No.   Date    Description
1991-161   10-1-91   Accepts warranty deed from Donald and Robert Zerby relative to Lost Nation Rd.
1992-162   9-15-92   Appropriates certain real property for the purpose of reconstructing Lost Nation Rd.
1992-165   9-15-92   Accepting warranty deeds from Erieside Medical Bldg. Assoc., Edward T. and Sandra J. Figler, Elizabeth Iukovic, Gary D. and Sandra K. Pitts, Willoughby-Eastlake Board of Education and Lisa A. Zivkovich for the Lost Nation Road Reconstruction Project.
1992-206   11-17-92   Sale of 7255 Butternut Lane to Edward W. Ryan.
1993-191   12-21-93   Accepts Sheriff's deed for Permanent Parcel No. 027B-056A-00-075, a portion of Willobee Shore Club.
1994-132   7-12-94   Accepts conveyance of property at 38435 Beachview Rd.
1994-175   9-20-94   Accepts warranty deed from Ednap, Inc. for 1.7269 acres south of State Route 84.
1994-230   12-6-94   Authorizes conveyance of 6.4 acres on Erie Rd. by City to City of Eastlake.
1995-4   1-10-95   Authorizes conveyance of property at 38257 Glenn Ave. to Gavi’s Inc.
1995-90   6-6-95   Authorizes sale of Permanent Parcel No. 027B-051-00-008A on SE side of Courtland Drive to J. Paul Kucsma and Richard L. DiBacco.
1995-248   12-19-95   Accepts the conveyance of property located on Tioga Trail from Walter Tornstorm.
1996-32   2-6-96   Accepts the Sheriff’s deeds conveying vacant lots on Beachview and Orchard Roads.
1996-139   8-6-96   Appropriates certain real property from Charles M. Andrews, Trustee, and Urban Cornacchione, Trustee to acquire a permanent easement to install and maintain traffic control devices.
1997-79   4-8-97   Appropriating certain real property owned by Cedarwood Apartments Limited to widen Euclid Ave.
1997-80   4-8-97   Appropriating certain real property owned by M.P. Enterprises to widen Euclid Ave.
1997-81   4-8-97   Appropriating certain real property owned by Charles M. Andrews Trust and the Urban Cornacchione Trust to widen Euclid Ave.
1997-82   4-8-97   Appropriating certain real property owned by Howard and Edward Friedman to widen Euclid Ave.
1997-83   4-8-97   Appropriating certain real property owned by I. Joseph Berger, Trustee to widen Euclid Ave.
1997-98   5-6-97   Authorizes sale of a portion of City owned land located on Cherokee Trail.
1997-119   6-10-97   Authorizes sale of 6.418 acres of property which is part of Willoughby Lost Nation Municipal Airport to Feldman Enterprise for $320,000.
1997-166   8-5-97   Authorizes purchase of property at 38121 Erie Road from Christine and David Morrison for $80,000.
Ord. No.   Date    Description
1998-4   1-6-98   Authorizes sale of 19.1 acres, being part of the Willoughby Lost Nation Municipal Airport, to the Kennedy Group.
1998-6   1-20-98   Authorizes sale of property on Airport Pkwy. (Permanent Parcel No. 027B-050F-00-036) to Thomas D. Ruple.
1998-67   4-7-98   Appropriation of property necessary to widen Euclid Ave.
1998-178   10-6-98   Accepts assignment of the real property portion of the Rural Enterprise Zone Agreement from Aerocon Photogrammetric Services, Inc., to APS Properties Ltd.
1998-183   10-20-98   Authorizes acceptance of an 85 square foot parcel at Glenbrook Rd. and Euclid Ave. for roadway purposes.
1999-195   11-23-99   Authorizes purchase from the Willoughby-Eastlake City School District of the Lincoln School Building and the land upon which it is situated, further identified as Permanent Parcel No. 027A-023G-00-001.
2000-77   5-16-00   Authorizes acceptance by the City of a gift of real property located at 38033 Euclid Ave. and further identified as Permanent Parcel No. 027A-023J-00-014.
2001-20   2-6-01   Conveying property formerly known as the Willoughby Ohio National Guard Armory from the state, and further identified as Permanent Parcel Nos. 027A-023E-000-005-033.
2001-62   4-17-01   Accepting warranty deeds for the SOM Center Road Widening Project.
2001-68   5-1-01   Accepting warranty deed for the SOM Center Road Widening Project.
2001-85   6-12-01   Accepting warranty deed for the SOM Center Road Widening Project.
2001-179   10-30-01   Authorizes sale of .696 acres of city-owned real property, formerly occupied by the Willoughby Armory and further identified as Parcel No. 1., a portion of Sublots No. 346 through 350, and Parcel No. 2, a portion of Sublots No. 352 through 355.
2002-75   5-7-02   Authorizes the sale of 10.667 acres located at the Willoughby Lost Nation Municipal Airport to William Kilroy II, for $575,000.
2003-1   1-7-03   Authorizes the sale of 1.90 acres located on the north side of Willoughby Parkway, west of Lost Nation Road to Nick Bosworth for $165,000.
2003-19   2-4-03   Authorizes the sale of real property located at 38033 Euclid Ave. to Mark Timperio for $165,100.
2003-35   2-18-03   Authorizes the sale of 1.278 acres located on the north side of Lost Nation Road to Bruce and Betty Jane Huston for $64,000.
2003-118   8-12-03   Authorizes purchase of property located in the northwest quadrant of Erie and Vine St. from Erie St. Limited Partnership for $800,000.
2003-119   8-12-03   Authorize the purchase of property located in the northwest quadrant of Erie and Vine St. from Wick Motors Corp. for $750,000.
2003-120   8-12-03   Authorizes the purchase of property at 38133 Vine St. from Alliance Group 2000, Inc. for $325,000.
2003-133   10-7-03   Authorizes the transfer of 0.0438 acre of City-owned property to the Reagan Family Trust.
2003-146   10-21-03   Appropriates certain real property owned by Hart Investments for widening Mentor Ave.
2003-147   10-21-03   Appropriating certain real property owned by Marous Herald LLC for widening Mentor Ave.
2003-148   10-21-03   Appropriating certain real property owned by Willoughby Golf Center, George and Patricia Brown for widening Mentor Ave.
2004-16   2-3-04   Appropriating certain real property owned by the Millsetein Family Gift Trust for the widening of Mentor Ave.
2004-88   6-15-04   Appropriating certain real property owned by MRM Properties, Inc. for the widening of Mentor Ave.
2004-89   6-15-04   Appropriating certain real property owned by JEM Properties, Inc. for the widening of Mentor Ave.
2004-106   8-10-04   Authorizes the sale of 0.166 acre to Raymond and Julie Meyers for $6,500.
2004-135   10-19-04   Appropriating certain real property owned by Mark and Caroline Heisler necessary to the Pelton Road Bridge Replacement Project.
2005-10   1-18-05   Authorizes the sale of the abandoned fire station on 0.836 acres located at 1448 Lost Nation Road to Richard and Frank Farroni for $169,000.
Res.2005-11   1-18-05   Release and settlement agreement with Hart Investments LLC, relative to the appropriation of property for the Mentor Ave. widening project.
Res.2005-20   2-1-05   Release and settlement agreement with the Willoughby Golf Center relative to the appropriation of property for the Mentor Ave. widening project.
Res.2005-84   6-28-05   Release and settlement agreement with Marous Herald, LLC relative to the appropriation of property for the Mentor Ave. widening project.
Res.2006-59   5-2-06   Release and settlement agreement with MRM Properties Inc. relative to the appropriation of property for the Mentor Ave. widening project.
2007-101   8-7-07   Authorizing the acceptance by the City of a gift of real property located at 2060 North Bay Drive.
2007-144   12-4-07   Accepting a limited warranty deed conveying property from Chagrin River Walk LLC to the City.
2008-23   2-19-08   Granting a permanent easement to the Board of Lake County Commissioners to access City-owned property for construction, repair, replacement, relay, maintenance, operation and inspection of the Kirtland Sanitary Sewer Project.
2008-55   5-6-08   Authorizing the acceptance by the City of a gift of real property located on Erie Street.
2008-135   9-16-08   Authorizes sale of .6 acres of City-owned real property located on Willoughby Parkway to Busy Squirrel Properties, LLC.
2010-125   12-21-10   Authorizes the sale of .1298 acres of City-owned real property located at the Water Pollution Control Center, Eastlake, Ohio to Chagrin Park, Ltd.
2010-154   12-7-10   Authorizes the sale of real property located at Beachview Road, consisting of a 0.0543 acre residential lot, and further identified as a portion of Permanent Parcel No. 027-B-056-E-00-001-0 to Christian and Michelle Lim, without public bidding, for the sum of $100.00.
2010-155   12-7-10   Authorizes the sale of real property located at Beachview Road, consisting of a 0.0467 acre residential lot, and further identified as a portion of Permanent Parcel No. 027-B-056-E-00-001-0 to Michael A. Villaneuva, without public bidding, for the sum of $100.00.
2011-14   2-1-11   Authorizing the sale of real property located at 2 Public Square, to Willoughby Area Welcome Center Inc., without public bidding, for the sum of $1.00.
2011-46   4-19-11   Authorizing the sale of real property located at Beachview Road, to Cynthia L. Feltes, without public bidding, for the sum of $100.00.
2011-127   9-6-11   Accepts warranty deeds necessary to the Mentor Avenue Widening Project (LAK-20).
2013-17   2-5-13   Authorizing the sale of 1.188 acres of City-owned real property located at 38038 Elm Street to Courthouse Square Apartments, LLC for $300,000.
2014-72   8-5-14   Authorizing the transfer of Willoughby Lost Nation Municipal Airport to the County of Lake and the Lake County Ohio Port and Economic Development Authority.
2015-6   1-20-15   Authorizing the conveyance of 1.41 acres of City-owned real property located on Ridge Road and further identified as Permanent Parcel No. 27A-018-H-00-003-0 to the Lake County Board of Commissioners.
2015-137   12-15-15   Authorizing the Mayor to execute a Supplemental Agreement for the Transfer of Willoughby Lost National Airport which will convey two (2) parcels of land located on Lost Nation Road that are part of the Airport “Clear Zone” to the Lake County Ohio Port and Economic Development Authority.
2016-122   11-15-16   Authorizes agreement with Willoughby-Eastlake City School District for purchase of real property with frontage on Euclid Ave., River St. and Center St. further identified as Permanent Parcels 27A0290000010, 27A023J000300, 27A023J000310, 27A023J000320, 27A023D000320, 27A026D000310, 27A023D000300, 27A026D000330, 27A026D000580, 27A026D000570, 27A026D000590 and 27A023J000530.
2017-65   6-14-17   Authorizing the Mayor to accept title to Parcel No. 27A-027D- 00-014-0 from Lake County Land Reutilization Corporation.
2017-83   8-8-17   Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Board of Education of the Willoughby-Eastlake City School District for the purchase of real property.
2017-84   8-8-17   Authorizing the sale of 0.7770 acres of City-owned real property located with frontage on Ridge Road to Ohio Living Communities for $60,000.
2017-95   9-19-17   Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement for the sale and development of 5.567 acres of real estate and buildings with Willoughby Union Point Associates, LLC.
2018-22   2-6-18   Authorizing the sale of 16.0952 acres of City-owned real property to the City of Eastlake without public bidding for the sum of $1.00.
2018-42   4-3-18   Authorizing the sale of real property located at Beachview Road, to Richard J. and Linda J. Federico for $100.00.
2021-76   8-10-21   The Mayor to enter into an amendment to the agreement with the Board of Education of the Willoughby-Eastlake City School District for the purchase of real property located with frontage on Euclid Avenue, River Street and Center Street and further identified as Permanent Parcel No. 27A0290000010, and declaring an emergency.
2021-111   12-7-21   Authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement for the sale and development of 2.337 acres of real estate and building in Historic Downtown Willoughby with Liberty Development Company.
2022-6      1-18-22   Authorizing the acceptance by the City of a gift of real property located on Lost Nation Road, Willoughby, Lake County, Ohio and further identified as Permanent Parcel No. 27B-044-A-00-018-0.
2022-54   5-3-22      Authorizing the sale of 10.5 acres of City owned real property located on Riverside Drive and River Bend Road, and further identified as Permanent Parcel Nos. 27A009A000100, 27A009A000110, 27A009A000120, 27A009A000130, 27A009A000140, 27A009000150, 27A009A000160, 27A009A000170, 27A009B000040, 27A009B000050, 27A009B000060, 27A009B000070, 27A009C000010 and 27A009C000020, to Western Reserve Land Conservancy.
2022-55   5-3-22   Authorizing the acceptance by the City of a gift of real property located partially in the village of Waite Hill and partially in the City of Willoughby, and further identified as Permanent Parcel No. 26A0010000080.
2022-91      7-12-22   Authorizing the sale of real property located on North Beachview Road, consisting of a 0.39 acre lot and further identified as Permanent Parcel No. 27B056E000010, and a 0.233 acre lot further identified as Permanent Parcel No. 27B057A000430 to Gayle Musiek.
2022-92      7-12-22   Authorizing the sale of real property located at 38443 Beachview Road, consisting of a 0.55 acre lot and further identified as Permanent Parcel No. 27B056A000750 to Boris Shatsman and Veronika Shatsman.
2023-80      6-13-23   Authorizing the sale of real property located on North Beachview Road, consisting of a 0.173 acre lot identified as Permanent Parcel No. 27B056F000690, and a 0.192 acre lot identified as Permanent Parcel No. 27B056F0007000 to Mary Digennaro.