Prior to obtaining such permit, the person shall furnish the City with the following:
(a) A plan and general specifications showing the proposed location, extent and nature of the work contemplated. A plan and profile set of drawings, based on a survey by an Ohio registered surveyor and prepared by an Ohio professional engineer, are required for linear below ground projects, showing the locations of existing public and private facilities, in the Right-of-Way and adjacent easements, within the limits of the work. The applicant will deposit a plan review fee, at the time of submittal of the plan(s), to cover the City's cost of plan review. Applicant shall provide a record of the area likely to be disturbed, including areas used for ingress/egress to and from the work, prior to excavation depicting landscaping, landscape features, sidewalks, curbing, driveways, aprons, fences, walls or drainage ways.
(b) Indemnity insurance in the amounts determined by the Director of Law saving the City harmless from any damage to persons or property arising from such work.
(c) A performance bond in an amount set by the City Engineer in a form approved by the Director of Law guaranteeing that the work shall be done to the full satisfaction of the City (represented by the Director of Public Service and the City Engineer) and that the area affected by the work shall be restored, as nearly as possible, to its original condition and such condition maintained, at the cost of the permit holder, for a period of one year after the completion of the work, provided, however, that such bond may be released at an earlier period if, in the opinion of the Director of Public Service and the City Engineer, such release is warranted. A bond may be provided on an annual basis for routine maintenance activities in an amount approved by the City Engineer and the Director of Public Service and in a form approved by the Director of Law.
(d) Parties who find it necessary to enter City streets, alleys or public grounds for construction purposes at recurring intervals, shall be permitted to furnish a blanket bond with the same conditions as set forth above. The amount of such bond shall be determined by the City Engineer, but in no event shall it be less than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), provided that any specific project that in the opinion of the City Engineer will cost in excess of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500), shall be covered by a bond as set forth in subsection (c) above.
(e) A statement concerning the following matters:
(1) The impact of such excavation on vehicular and pedestrian traffic flow, including the proposed traffic control plan.
(2) The degree of noise, water and air pollution expected or probable; and
(3) The probable time table and proposed schedule of the construction contemplated under the permit.
(f) The pre-excavation plan required in subsection (a) shall be recorded in a video. Such pre-excavation record shall be recorded on a video recording devise in a format acceptable to the Director of Public Service.
(1) In the event the City Engineer deems the project of a minor nature, the pre-recording above can be waived or in the alternative, a substitute record of conditions prior to excavation may be submitted by the applicant.
(2) In the event the applicant shall fail to make such record of the conditions prior to construction, the Director of Public Service is directed to cause such record to be made and the cost for such record to be assessed to the applicant in addition to any bonds or fees otherwise provided in these Codified Ordinances.
(Ord. 2011-77. Passed 6-14-11.)