Ord. No.    Date    Description
235    6-10-1895    To the Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern RR Co., to maintain and operate an electric railroad.
289    12-11-05    To the Central Union Telephone Co., to construct, erect and maintain a telephone plant.
334    7-26-09    To the Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern RR Co., to maintain and operate an electric railroad.
335    8-9-09    To the Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern RR Co., to transmit and sell electric current.
467    12-6-18    To the Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern RR Co., the right to charge additional fare.
490    1-16-20    To the Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern RR Co., the right to charge additional fare.
Ord. No.    Date    Description
500    3-10-21    To the Cleveland, Painesville and Eastern RR Co., to maintain and operate an electric railroad.
653    9-13-26    To the Ohio Bell Telephone Co., to construct, operate and maintain telephone and telegraph lines.
678    4-18-27    To the Lake County Gas Co., to lay, operate and repair mains and pipes for the supply of gas.
985    1-24-38    To the Lake County Gas Co., to lay, operate and maintain lines for the supply of gas.
986    2-14-38    Amends Ord. 985.
1081    4-15-46    Fixing the price of gas from the Lake County Gas Co.
1088    10-14-46    To the Lake County Gas Co., to furnish gas.
1950-53    8-28-50    To the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. to furnish and supply electrical service.
1950-54    8-28-50    Fixing the rates for electricity from the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co.
1951-17    3-26-51    To the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. to furnish electric street lighting service.
1954-74    10-25-54    Amends Ord. 1950-53.
1955-25    3-14-55    Fixing the price of natural gas from the East Ohio Gas Co.
1955-105    9-12-55    To the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., to furnish electric street lighting service.
1958-32    6-9-58    To the Ohio Water Service Co., to supply water to the City and its inhabitants.
1958-39    5-26-58    Amends Ord. 1955-25.
1958-57   7-28-58    Submission of Ord. 1958-32 for electorate approval.
1958-63    9-8-58    To the Ohio Water Service Co., to supply water to the City and its inhabitants.
1958-64    8-25-58    Repeals Ord. 1958-32.
1958-65    8-25-58    Repeals Ord. 1958-57.
1959-39    6-3-59    Fixing the price of natural gas from the East Ohio Gas Co.
1959-62    7-13-59    To the Ohio Water Service Co., a mutual assistance contract.
1960-65    9-26-60    To the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., to furnish street lighting.
1965-124    12-27-65    To the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., for street lighting.
1966-97       Amends contract (Ord. 1965-124) with Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. for street lighting.
1967-96    11-20-67    Amends contract (Ord. 1965-124) with Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. for street lighting.
1968-38    4-22-68    Fixing the price of natural gas from the East Ohio Gas Co.
1969-107    12-18-69    Appropriation of franchise of Ohio Water Service Co., granted by Ord. 1958-63.
1970-89    9-1-70    Fixing the price of natural gas from the East Ohio Gas Co.
1970-95    10-20-70    Fixing the price of natural gas from the East Ohio Gas Co.
      Repeals Ord. 1970-89.
1970-108    10-6-70    To the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., for street lighting.
1971-162    10-19-71    To the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co., for street lighting.
Bill No.    Date    Description
1972-153    8-15-72    Regulates gas rates of East Ohio Gas Co. from 1-2-73 thru 12-31- 77.
1972-172    8-15-72    Agreement with CEI for lighting various streets.
1972-204    9-19-72    Agreement with CEI for Kirtland Rd. street lighting.
1973-20    2-6-73    Agreement with CEI for lighting various streets.
1973-47    2-20-73    Agreement with CEI for lighting various streets.
1973-76    4-3-73    Agreement with CEI for Ridge Rd. (SR84) street lighting.
1976-181    8-17-76    Amending Ord. 1970-108 to extend term of contract with CEI for street lighting.
1977-130    5-17-77    Amending agreement with CEI for street lighting.
1977-207    8-16-77    Amending Ord. 1971-162 to extend term of contract with CEI for street lighting.
1978-175    8-15-78    Agreement with CEI for street lighting purposes.
1980-89    4-15-80    Granting non-exclusive franchise to Continental Cablevision of Ohio, Inc., to construct, operate and maintain a CATV system for 15 years.
1930-150    7-15-80    Authorizing temporary assignment of the CATV franchise to Continental Cablevision of Northeast Ohio, Inc.
1980-151    7-15-80    Authorizing construction of Earth Station by Continental Cablevision of Ohio, Inc. on Glenn Ave.
1984-140    6-19-84    Authorizes an assignment of the CATV franchise to Continental Cablevision of Ohio, Inc.
1995-56    5-6-97    Franchise agreement between the City and Continental Cablevision of Ohio, Inc.
1997-96    5-6-97    Amends franchise agreement between the City and Continental Cablevision of Ohio, Inc., regarding franchise fees.