(A)   Generally. The powers and duties of the City Manager shall be as follows.
   (B)   Specifically.
      (1)   Working time; office. Devote all of his or her working time and attention to those affairs of the city under his or her supervision. Maintain his or her office at and work from the principal offices of the city, at the City Hall, or at a location designated by Mayor and City Council;
      (2)   Administration. Be responsible to the Mayor and City Council for the efficient administration of those affairs of the city under his or her supervision;
      (3)   Compliance with laws. See that applicable state laws and all ordinances of the city are obeyed and enforced;
      (4)   Supervision. Exercise supervision and control over all departments of the city previously or hereafter created by the City Council, save and except those designated by City Council otherwise;
      (5)   Personnel. Except for statutory officers, hire and discharge all department heads and employees of the city, and, in addition, promote, demote, discipline, and take all other personnel actions. Before taking any action to hire or discharge any employee, the City Manager must consult with the Mayor and City Council. The City Council shall confirm, by majority vote, any action of the City Manager to hire or discharge any employee;
      (6)   Meetings. Attend all open meetings of the City Council and attend executive sessions of the City Council only when requested or authorized to do so. He or she shall have the right to participate in all discussions at those meetings of the City Council, but shall have no right to vote. He or she shall be notified of all meetings of the City Council. He or she shall attend other meetings relating to city business when requested to do so by the Mayor of City Council;
      (7)   Franchise. See that all terms and conditions imposed in favor of the city and its inhabitants in any public utility franchise are faithfully kept and performed, and, upon knowledge of any violation thereof, bring same to the attention of the Mayor and City Council;
      (8)   Budget. Assist the Mayor in budget matters and prepare and submit to the Mayor, prior to each fiscal year, a budget of proposed revenues and expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year, in accordance with Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, Ch. 102, as amended, showing in as much detail as practicable the estimated amounts of money required for the efficient operation of the city and each to its departments and the reasons for the estimated expenditures;
      (9)   Monthly accounting; annual audit. Make or have prepared by the City Secretary a full written report to the City Council as soon as possible after the close of each month's accounts showing the operations and expenditures of each department of the city for the preceding month, together with any other financial information and budget expenditure comparisons as to the financial condition and needs of the city;
      (10)   Depository contract; monthly report. Make, or have prepared by the City Secretary, a full written report to the City Council at least monthly showing the status of the city's accounts, investment funds, and the city's depository contract and the security(ies) posted and pledged under the contact in accordance with state law;
      (11)   Contracts and vendors; quarterly report. Make a full written report to the City Council at least quarterly, or at any other shorter interval as the Mayor or City Council may request, showing the status of each and every city contract or agreement (private or government/interlocal), each and every vendor, contractor, or consultant, and showing expenditures and receipts in accordance with the contracts and agreement;
      (12)   Purchasing; city services. Supervise the purchase of all materials, supplies, services, and equipment for which funds are budgeted; propose and supervise those contracts and agreements necessary for the operation and maintenance of city services; conduct public bid openings, review all bids and proposals submitted to the city, and present for approval and recommend to the City Council those he or she deems most advantageous to the city; and ensure compliance with all competitive bidding and/or competitive sealed proposal requirements of state law governing the acquisition or disposal of materials, supplies, services, equipment, and property of the city. The City Manager shall be authorized to spend up to $2,000 on budgeted items without City Council approval;
      (13)   Notification of Mayor and City Council. Use his or her best efforts to notify the Mayor and each member of the City Council within 48 hours of any alleged violation by the City or any of its officers or employees of a federal, state, or city statute, law, rule, or regulation or of any cause of action or lawsuit against the city which may subject it to any civil, criminal, or monetary liability;
      (14)   Non-clerical administrative duties. Accept service of any official notification to the city on behalf of the Mayor and City Council, and provide any other administrative functions previously delegated to the City Secretary by city ordinances, except those powers and duties delegated to the City Secretary by Tex. Loc. Gov't Code, § 22.073, and other sections of the Texas Local Government Code; and
      (15)   Other. Perform any other duties as may be prescribed by the City Council, not inconsistent with the laws of the state governing Type A General Law Cities.
(Ord. 03-1216, passed 12-16-2003; Ord. 04-0518A, passed 5-18-2004)