(A)   Determination of application completeness. The city shall determine whether the permit application is complete and notify the applicant of that determination:
      (1)   For network nodes and node support poles. No later than 30 days after the date the city receives the permit application.
      (2)   For a transport facility. No later than ten days after the date the city receives the permit application.
   (B)   Approval or denial of application. The city shall approve or deny a completed application after the date it is submitted to the city:
      (1)   For network nodes. No later than 60 days after the date the city receives the complete application.
      (2)   For network support poles. No later than 150 days after the date the city receives the complete application.
      (3)   For transport facilities. No later than 21 days after the city receives the complete application.
   (C)   Basis for denial of application. If an application is denied by the city, it shall document the basis for the denial, including the specific applicable city code provisions or other city rules, regulations, or other law on which the denial is based. The documentation for the denial must be sent by electronic mail to the applicant on or before the date that the city denies the application.
   (D)   Resubmission of denied application. The applicant may cure the deficiencies identified in the denial application.
      (1)   The applicant has 30 days from the date the city denies the completed application to cure the deficiencies identified in the denial documentation without paying an additional application fee, other than any fee for actual costs incurred by the city.
      (2)   The city shall approve or deny the revised completed application after a denial not later than the ninetieth day after the city receives the revised completed application. The city’s review shall be limited to the deficiencies cited in the denial documentation.
   (E)   Nondiscriminatory review. Each completed application shall be processed by the city on a nondiscriminatory basis.
(Ord. 17-0822C, passed 8-22-2017)