Billboards or advertising signs (as defined by § 1346.02) providing for off-premises advertising shall only be permitted by right in the CS, ML and MH Districts, and as a conditional use in the CC District. Any such sign shall meet the following additional requirements.
(a) Such signs shall be separated the following minimum distances from any other such sign, other than billboards that are back-to-back. All spacing shall be measured parallel to and from the same side of the highway or public right-of-way:
(1) Along expressways: not less than 1,000 feet;
(2) In the CC, ML and MH Districts, other than as provided in subsection (1) above: not less than 500 feet apart; and
(3) In the CS District: not less than 300 feet apart.
(b) Each sign shall not exceed 300 square feet in area in a CS or CC District or 672 square feet in a ML or MH District. Such sign area shall be permitted on each side of a two-sided sign, if the sign faces are back-to-back. The above square footage may be exceeded by 15% for cut-out or snipes on a temporary basis.
(c) Such signs shall not exceed 12 feet in height nor 25 feet in length in the CS or CC Districts, or 14 feet in height, nor 48 feet in length, in the ML or MH Districts. Such sizes shall be inclusive of all trim and border area, but shall not include bases, aprons, supports and other structural members. Cut-outs or snipes exceeding the height and length by up to 15% shall be allowed on a temporary basis.
(d) Such signs shall be set back the following minimum distances:
(1) Thirty feet from any right-of-way of a limited access highway;
(2) One hundred feet from any lot line of a primarily residential property; and
(3) Ten feet from any other property line or street right-of-way.
(e) Such signs shall have no portion exceeding a height of 35 feet above ground level at the curb or edge of pavement.
(f) Billboards and advertising signs shall conform with the State Outdoor Advertising Control Act, as amended, except as further controlled by this section.
(g) An existing billboard or advertising sign within the CBD shall only be replaced with a new billboard or advertising sign if the new sign is approved as a conditional use.
(Ord. 5745, approved 4-16-1998; Ord. 5802, approved 3-2-2000; Ord. 5870, approved 5-16-2002)