For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CONSTRUCTION WASTE. The materials from construction, remodeling, construction site preparation; including, but not limited to, rocks, trees, debris, dirt, brick, plaster and all types of scrap building materials, and their wrappings and containers.
GARBAGE. All rubbish, animal refuse, vegetable kitchen refuse, household waste, bottles, tin or aluminum cans, waste paper, grass cuttings, tree limbs or branches cut up to a size no longer than three feet, weeds, and all other scraps of similar nature as comprise the daily accumulation from residences or business operations, other than prohibited substances or uncontained trash.
LOAD. A truck load of uncontained trash having a capacity of five cubic yards or less.
OCCUPANT. The customer or person occupying or controlling a residence, store, hotel, office, restaurant or any other facility or building.
PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES. Solid wastes prohibited in collection containers, or as uncontained trash as follows:
(1) Any substance not approved by the state’s Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) or the landfill operator for disposal in the public landfill;
(2) Plot ashes or other materials which could cause combustion to occur in sanitation containers or hauling equipment;
(3) Construction waste;
(4) Large building materials, rock, concrete or metal objects which may cause damage to loading devices or compaction units;
(5) Large dead animals;
(6) Hazardous materials or toxic substances in strength or quantity which could cause illness to the public or people operating or repairing sanitation equipment;
(7) Any gasoline, benzene, naphtha, fuel oil or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas;
(8) Any noxious or malodorous gas or substance capable of creating a public nuisance;
(9) Tires;
(10) Industrial waste, other than garbage; and
(11) Sludge from a waste water treatment plant.
SOLID WASTE. Any garbage, trash, rubbish, refuse, sludge from a wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment plant or pollution control facility and other discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi-solid or in contained gaseous materials, but not including domestic sewage or hazardous waste.
UNCONTAINED TRASH. All wooden boxes or crates, appliances, large items of household furniture, tree trunks, branches and limbs more than three feet in length, and other items which, by size, shape or weight cannot be placed in city-receptacles, but not including prohibited substances.
(Prior Code, § 8-2.01)