(a)   If a person, summoned to appear as provided in Ohio R.C. 2935.10(B), fails to appear without just cause and personal service of the summons was had upon him, he may be found guilty of contempt of court, and may be fined within the limits prescribed in Section 698.02. Upon failure to appear, the court may forthwith issue a warrant for his arrest.
(ORC 2935.11; Ord. 1580. Passed 7-6-64.)
   (b)   No person, having been served with a subpoena, shall willfully fail to obey it, or secrete himself or leave his place of residence to avoid being served with a subpoena so issued or that he has reason to believe will be issued for him in a case pending in court or in a matter before a legal authority. No person, being present before a court of authority and called upon to give testimony, shall refuse to take an oath or make affirmation or, being sworn or affirmed, refuse to answer a question required by such court or authority to be answered.
   (c)   Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor and shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 698.02.
(Ord. 2272. Passed 12-17-73.)