(a)   All full-time employees in the classified service, plus supervisory employees who are not division or department heads, of the City, shall receive payment at the rate of forty cents ($.40) per hour for each hour worked during the second shift and fifty cents ($.50) per hour for each hour worked during the third shift; provided, however, that this payment shall not apply to firefighter/EMT shift supervisors.
   (b)   For purposes of this section, the shifts shall be designated by the respective department head and shall be forwarded to the Finance Director for payroll purposes. For the Police Division, the union contract shall govern.
   Employees required to work into the next shift shall not be entitled to shift differential unless the time worked exceeds two hours.
   Departments that do not have shift work will not be affected by this section.
   (c)   The payment provided for in subsection (a) hereof shall be in addition to any other compensation provided to such employees by the City. No department head or division head shall receive such additional compensation.
   (d)   The payment provided for in subsection (a) hereof shall be paid to employees out of the same fund that such employees' regular compensation is paid, unless the resolution or ordinance appropriating such payments provides otherwise.
(Ord. 4541. Passed 12-26-96; Ord. 4935. Passed 9-17-01.)