(a)   The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract for medical and life insurance for regular full-time employees and for the Law Director and Assistant Law Director as per the specifications on file with the City Manager.
   (b)   The amounts required to pay the premiums for coverages shall be appropriated from the respective fund in which the employee's regular salary is paid.
   (c)   Plan specifications may be changed by the City Manager so long as union agreements are not violated thereby.
   (d)   Effective the payroll paid January 27, 2012, all eligible employees enrolled in a family or single plan shall pay a sum equal to fifteen percent of the total annual premium cost of the plan in which they are enrolled. Said sum shall be divided into twenty-six payments. All eligible employees shall make payments biweekly towards the premium, except that police sergeants’, police officers’ and police dispatchers’ payments shall be governed by the collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Fraternal Order of Police, Ohio Labor Council, Inc., and except that firefighters’ payments shall be governed by the collective bargaining agreement between the City and the Willard Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 4468.
   (e)   The Director of Finance is hereby authorized to deduct such amounts from the biweekly gross payroll of the employee.
(Ord. 4830. Passed 5-15-00; Ord. 5180. Passed 4-17-06; Ord. 5207. Passed 12-4-06; Ord. 5251. Passed 1-7-08; Ord. 5297. Passed 2-2-09; Ord. 5346. Passed 1-4-10; Ord. 5390. Passed 12-20-10; Ord. 5445. Passed 12-19-11.)