(a)   Rehiring and reappointment after lay-offs and reductions shall be in the reverse order of the lay-offs or reductions. Any employee who has been laid off or who has resigned voluntarily may be reinstated to any position of the same class for which he or she left the service of the City if there is a need for his or her services within two years after the date of his or her resignation. However, after a period of one year a physical examination, as set forth in Section 167.33, at the employee's expense, shall be required.
   (b)   If the employee who has been laid off or who has voluntarily resigned withdraws his or her pension fund moneys, it shall be assumed that the employee means to permanently terminate his or her employment with the City and wishes his or her name to be removed from the list of employees of the City for re-employment. However, if the employee is re-employed after meeting all the re-employment requirements and repays all of his or her pension fund moneys withdrawn at the time of his or her release, it shall be proper authority to not only restore pension rights, but to restore longevity rights for longevity benefits only, to be effective retroactively from the time the pension rights are restored. Payment for reinstated longevity time shall begin on January 1, 1979.
   (c)   In cases covered by subsection (b) hereof for the removal of the names from the re-employment list, re-employment by the City shall be as for any new employee, that is, by competitive examination.
(Ord. 2850. Passed 1-7-85.)