The basic personnel policy of the City shall be that:
   (a)   Employment in the City government shall be based upon merit and fitness, free from personal, racial, religious and political considerations;
   (b)   Recruitment shall be conducted on a broad basis in order to secure an adequate field of selection;
   (c)   Just and equitable incentives and conditions of employment shall be established and maintained in order to promote efficiency and economy in the operation of the City government;
   (d)   Positions having similar duties and responsibilities shall be classified and compensated on a uniform basis;
   (e)   Appointments, promotions and other personnel actions shall be based on merit, systematic tests and evaluations;
   (f)   Tenure of employees shall be subject to good behavior, the satisfactory performance of work, necessity for the performance of work and the availability of funds; and
   (g)   Additional policies shall be established by the City Manager with approval of Council as deemed necessary.
(Ord. 1419. Passed 6-18-62.)