Whenever the City Fire Department is required to take emergency action to protect public health, safety, or the environment due to an unauthorized spill, release or discharge of material into or upon the environment, the person or persons responsible for causing or allowing the spill, release or discharge shall be responsible for all necessary and reasonable, additional and/or extraordinary costs incurred by the City in investigating, mitigating, minimizing, removing or abating the spill, release or discharge. Costs shall be calculated as follows:
(a) For equipment used, an hourly charge based upon the projected useful life of the equipment, and the average number of hours the equipment is used on a yearly basis over its useful life.
(b) For personnel, the hourly wage, including benefits, of each employee who responds or provides service.
(c) For materials, the actual cost to the City for any materials used.
(Ord. 4872. Passed 1-16-01.)