(a)   An Auxiliary Police Unit is hereby established for the City.
   (b)   The City Manager shall be the executive head of the Auxiliary Police Unit and shall make all appointments and removals of Auxiliary Police officers. The City Manager shall prescribe the rules and regulations for the organization, training, administration, control and conduct of the Auxiliary Police Unit.
   (c)   Members of the Auxiliary Police Unit are not eligible for membership in the Police Relief and Pension Fund under Ohio R.C., 741.31 to 741.54, inclusive.
   (d)   Members of the Auxiliary Police Unit shall not be in the classified service of the Municipality.
(Ord. 2121. Passed 5-14-71.)
   (e)   Members of the Auxiliary Police Unit shall serve without compensation and shall give bond in the amount of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500).
(Adopting Ordinance)
   (f)   Auxiliary policemen shall be under the immediate control and supervision of the Chief of Police and shall obey orders issued by regular officers and policemen, in the absence of the Chief of Police.
(Ord. 2121. Passed 5-14-71.)