There is hereby created a Department of Finance for the City which shall be under the direction of a Director of Finance who shall be accountable to the City Manager. The Director shall perform the following duties:
   (a)   Keep in proper books a full and accurate record of all moneys received and disbursed on behalf of the City and of all moneys due to and from the City upon contracts and orders upon which the City is obligated and otherwise;
   (b)   Receive and have custody of all moneys paid to the City and disburse all city moneys in accordance with the City Charter and ordinances, signing all warrants in making such disbursements;
   (c)   Render a monthly report to the City Manager and Council reflecting the financial condition of the City, showing monthly receipts, encumbrances and outstanding balances of all funds;
   (d)   Certify that funds are available according to law to pay moneys provided by all contracts, agreements or other obligations for the expenditure of City funds, and no such contract, agreement or other obligation shall be valid until so certified;
   (e)   Make payment of the interest and principal on the bonded debt when due, and keep accurate records of such debt and of such payment thereon;
   (f)   Prepare the City payrolls;
   (g)   Administer all employee pension and benefit funds, receive such funds, act as custodian thereof and make disbursements therefrom, signing warrants and checks for such purposes, according to law;
   (h)   Enter into contracts with legal depositories for the deposit of all funds of the City with such depositories, rent safe deposit boxes or otherwise provide for the safekeeping of securities and other documents for payment of money to the City, and maintain custody of all documents evidencing investments of the City and pension and benefit funds of City employees;
   (i)   Prepare and submit such reports as may be required by law;
   (j)   Assist the City Manager in the preparation of the annual budget;
   (k)   As fiscal officer of the City, sign all notes and bonds issued by the City. The President of Council is also authorized to sign such notes and bonds; and
   (l)   Perform any other duties assigned by the City Manager not inconsistent with the City Charter, State law or other ordinances.
(Ord. 1419. Passed 6-18-62.)