(a)   The following standing committees are hereby established:
      (1)   The Charter/Legislative Committee;
      (2)   The Finance Committee;
      (3)   The Public Works Committee;
      (4)   The Safety Committee; and
      (5)   The Utilities Committee.
   (b)   The ranking member of a committee shall serve as Chairperson.
   (c)   The committees established in subsection (a) hereof shall meet as needed and such meetings shall be open to the public. The format shall be less formal than a Council meeting, and citizens' input is encouraged. The function of a committee is to study in depth a specific issue and make recommendations to Council. No official action may be taken by committees. All committees will report the substance of any meeting at the next Council meeting, preferably in writing. However, if the committee does not feel a report is warranted at the next Council meeting, the committee will issue a status report to Council at said meeting.
(Ord. 4202. Passed 5-4-92.)