(a)   No signs erected under this section shall be more than six feet above the sidewalk elevation unless otherwise specified. All signs under this section shall be nonilluminated and must be removed within forty-eight hours after the completion of the event or structure, unless otherwise specified. Unless otherwise allowed, such signs may be placed within any yard setback, but may not be placed in a public right-of-way.
   (b)   The following signs may be erected without a zoning permit:
      (1)   Political signs comprising not more than sixteen square feet in area in a B-1 or Industrial District, or comprising less than four square feet in a B-2 or Residence District. Such signs may be erected only within seventy-five days of the election to which they pertain and must be removed within seven days after the election. Billboards or other permitted permanent signage used for this purpose are excluded from these provisions.
      (2)   Signs indicating private garage or yard sales, or private sales of a similar nature, provided that such signs are less than four square feet in area.
      (3)   Temporary signs indicating special sales, grand openings and events of a similar nature, when erected by commercial or institutional establishments. Such signs may be placed upon a building face and may be situated any place on the building face between the sidewalk elevation and the building roof line. The usage of any and all such temporary signage shall not exceed a total of ten days during any calendar month.
      (4)   Signs indicating the sale or lease of property and/or apartments and/or houses. Such signs shall not exceed six square feet in area and shall not be within a public right-of-way.
      (5)   Construction and development signs which do not exceed fifty square feet;
      (6)   Inspection or permit signs;
      (7)   Signs indicating entrances, exits and drive-up windows for commercial establishments, provided that such signs are flush-mounted and comprise no more than one square foot; and
      (8)   Signs indicating safety regulations or precautions when such signs are required by law or governmental regulations and do not conflict with any other provision of this Zoning Code in terms of placement within the confines of the property.
(Ord. 4320. Passed 11-15-93; Ord. 5487. Passed 11-19-12.)