(a) A building or lot within the I-1 District may be used for only the following purposes:
(1) Plant nurseries and greenhouses;
(2) Contractors' establishments and construction equipment dealers, provided that material or equipment is not stored in required front yards;
(3) Carting, express or hauling establishments;
(4) Coal and building material storage and wholesaling, provided that materials are not stored in required front yards;
(5) Bulk storage of petroleum products;
(6) Blueprinting, typesetting, photo engraving, and other printing processes, provided that such operations are contained in one or more buildings not larger than a total of 5,000 square feet;
(7) Bottling works;
(8) Radio and television broadcasting stations and towers;
(9) Research laboratories;
(10) Warehouses;
(11) Repair services or businesses, including automobile repair garages, provided that there is no outdoor storage of materials or items being repaired within required yards, and that no outdoor storage of such materials or items shall be permitted for a period of over two weeks;
(12) Utilities, including railroad terminal facilities;
(13) Laundries and dry cleaning plants;
(14) Kennels, animal hospitals and veterinary offices, provided that outside runs and kennels are not within 400 feet of any Residence District;
(15) Industrial plants manufacturing or assembling the following: boats; small metal products such as bolts, nuts, screws, washers, rivets, nails, etc.; clothing; drugs and medicine; electrical equipment; glass products from previously manufactured glass; furniture and wood products; and plastic products for production of finished equipment;
(16) Airports, railroad stations and bus terminals;
(17) Office buildings and offices;
(18) Billboards, provided that no billboard shall be placed within 500 feet of an existing billboard; and
(19) Accessory buildings, structures and uses, provided that such uses shall not be located in any required yard.
(b) After passage of this Zoning Code, no dwelling may be built, located, enlarged or structurally altered in the I-1 District.
(c) Conditional Uses. Subject to the approval of the Building and Zoning Board of Appeals and Council, a building or lot within an I-1 District may be used for the following use and purpose:
(1) Retail sales.
(Ord. 4320. Passed 11-15-93; Ord. 5238. Passed 11-5-07.)