A building or lot within the R-4 District may be used for the following purposes only:
(a) Single-family dwellings;
(b) Two-family dwellings;
(c) Apartment buildings;
(d) Group homes;
(e) Condominiums and townhouses;
(f) Public uses of a nonindustrial nature;
(g) Semipublic uses;
(h) Accessory buildings and uses are permitted in an R-4 District, including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Private automobile garages;
(2) Swimming pools, provided that they are located only in the buildable portion of a lot or in a required rear yard and are not closer to any lot line than ten feet.
An accessory building shall be located in the rear yard area, not to exceed twenty-five feet in height, with a minimum side yard of five feet and a five-foot minimum setback from the rear yard line. An accessory building shall not occupy more than thirty-five percent of the required rear yard. An accessory building shall not be closer than ten feet to the main building on the lot.
Where there is a corner lot and the house should face the side street, and a variance has been granted for less than the standard rear lot, an accessory building may be built in the side yard if the side yard is forty feet. The accessory building must be located behind an imaginary line extended from the mid-point of the main building or fifty feet from the front property line, whichever would be the most feasible.
(i) Recreational vehicles may be parked or maintained outside in an R-4 District for a period of time not to exceed three consecutive days, unless proper paved storage and parking places are provided in a rear yard, not to exceed one recreational vehicle and one pleasure boat per living unit.
A single-family use of lots in an R-4 District for purposes of recreational vehicle storage or parking (if adequate yard space exists) shall be governed by Section 1145.06(a)(8).
(Ord. 4400. Passed 11-21-94.)