There shall be a Building and Zoning Board of Appeals consisting of five (5) members. Of four, each one shall represent the four wards of the City. Each ward Councilman shall appoint, at the Councilmen's organizational meeting, a member to the Building and Zoning Board of Appeals from his ward. This appointment is subject to the approval of the majority of three (3) Councilmen at large. The fifth member shall be one at large member to the Building and Zoning Board of Appeals who shall be appointed by any one of the at large Councilmen and is subject to the approval of the majority of the four ward Councilmen. Their term of office will be two (2) years. Each appeal brought before the Building and Zoning Board of Appeals shall be heard by the entire Board and a majority of the total Board is necessary for decision. Any two members together may give a written minority report to Council. The Building and Zoning Board of Appeals, after hearing the appeal, will make its recommendations to the Council accompanied by supporting reasons. Council may either approve or disapprove of the recommendations or findings.
(Amended Nov. 4, 1980)