(a)   Street name signs shall be provided at all street intersections and shall be of a type approved by the City Manager and shall be placed according to current specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer.
   (b)   A street planting plan shall be submitted to the City Manager for review by the City Tree Commission. Upon receipt of the Tree Commission's recommendations, the City Development Commission shall review the plan as part of the subdivision approval process. All trees planted shall be in accordance with the provisions of any applicable laws or regulations.
   (c)   Monuments consisting of steel pins one inch in diameter and not less than thirty inches in length shall be placed at all angle points, points of curves in streets and at intermediate points as required by the City, and at all lot corners.
   (d)   Permanent monuments consisting of a one-inch steel rod thirty inches in length with a surveyor's identification cap shall be placed at all block corners and at the intersections of all subdivision boundary lines.
   (e)   Public areas shall be required as specified by applicable ordinances and regulations.
   (f)   The subdivider shall enter into an agreement with the City containing a restriction upon the plat whereby the City's Building Inspector will not be permitted to issue a building permit for any structure upon any lot within such subdivision until the improvements as specified above have been completed, or satisfactory arrangements have been made with the City for the completion of such improvements. These plat restrictions shall be made a part of all deeds or contracts for any lot within the subdivision.
(Ord. 4360. Passed 4-18-94; Ord. 5049. Passed 7-7-03.)