(a)   Consultation. It is recommended that the subdivider or his engineer consult with the City Manager while the plan is still in sketch form and before the preliminary plat is prepared, to acquaint himself with City ordinances, planned projects and performance bond and contract requirements.
   (b)   Contents. A preliminary plat shall consist of the following items:
Number of Copies Required
In City
In Three Mile Area
Number of Copies Required
In City
In Three Mile Area
Preliminary Map
Protective Covenants
Vicinity Map
Names and Addresses of Adjacent Property Owners
   (c)   Preliminary Plat Map Specifications. The preliminary plat map shall be drawn to a scale of not more than 400 feet to the inch and shall contain the following data and information:
      (1)   The name of the subdivision and the location thereof by section, town, range and township;
      (2)   The boundaries of the proposed plat with the names of adjacent property owners or subdivisions;
      (3)   The locations, right-of-way widths and names of all existing or platted streets, railroads or other utilities or right-of-way easements within 200 feet of the proposed plat;
      (4)   The zoning districts, building setback lines with dimensions and easements with dimensions;
      (5)   The existing contours with intervals of not more than five feet where the slope is greater than ten percent, and not more than two feet where the slope is less than ten percent. Elevations are to be shown relative to sea level datum.
      (6)   The location, right-of-way and names of all proposed streets; the location and dimensions of all sidewalks and easements; the layout, dimensions and numbers of all proposed lots;
      (7)   The land reserved or dedicated for public use, or reserved for common use of property owners;
      (8)   The location of existing sewers, water mains, culverts and other utilities, above or below ground, in the tract and within 200 feet thereof, together with pipe sizes and grades; and
      (9)   The location of proposed sewers, drainage courses and water mains in the tract and within 200 feet thereof.
   (d)   Submission. The subdivider shall submit the required number of copies of the preliminary plat to the City Manager no later than fifteen working days prior to the next meeting of the City Development Commission.
   (e)   Notice of Public Hearing. A public hearing on the proposed plat shall be held by the City Development Commission and shall be scheduled to occur at the same time and place as the meeting at which the proposed plat is to be considered by the Commission. Notice of the hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City at least five days prior to the meeting. Owners of land immediately adjacent to the lands shown on the proposed plat shall be given notice by certified mail at least five days prior to the meeting.
   (f)   Preparation of Report. The City Manager shall prepare a report evaluating conformance with design standards and these Subdivision Regulations of the proposed plat and making any recommendations for alteration deemed necessary.
   (g)   Action by Commission. At its meeting, the City Development Commission shall hear the report of the City Manager upon the proposed plat and shall hold a public hearing. Following the hearing, the Commission may take action as follows:
      (1)   Approval. The Commission may approve the preliminary plat and authorize the subdivider to proceed with preparation of the final plat.
      (2)   Approval in principle. The Commission may give "approval in principle" when, in the judgment of the Commission, it is clear that defects in the plat can be corrected and that the subdivider is clearly willing to make such corrections as are necessary and as required by the Commission. Such "approval in principle" shall not bind the Commission to subsequent favorable action in the preliminary plat, but shall serve as an indication of specific problems to be solved by the subdivider before favorable action can be taken.
      (3)   Table. The Commission may table the proposed plat for further consideration, subject to the time limitation specified in subsection (h) hereof.
      (4)   Denial. The Commission may deny the proposed plat for failure to comply with the regulations and standards specified herein.
   (h)   Time Limitations. A preliminary plat not acted upon by the City Development Commission within sixty calendar days after the date of submission shall be considered approved as submitted. Approval of the preliminary plat shall be valid for a duration of not more than two years.
(Ord. 4360. Passed 4-18-94.)