As used in this chapter:
   (a)   "Person" includes the hotel keeper, restaurant keeper, saloon keeper, householder, tenant, partnership, firm, association, society and corporation.
   (b)   "Garbage" means all refuse of animal, fish, fowl and vegetable matter used for food for man, or intended to be so used, and includes water and other liquid substances which have been mixed with or emanate from said refuse.
   (c)   "Rubbish" means cans, bottles, broken glass, crockery, wire, chips, ashes, boots, shoes and other similar articles of debris and waste capable of being placed in a rubbish container as hereinafter provided, but shall not include bricks, stone, concrete, leaves, grass clippings, trees, shrubs or parts of trees or shrubs.
(Ord. 1488. Passed 5-6-63; Ord. 4857. Passed 10-16-00.)