(a)   Septic Waste. Septic tank waste may be introduced into the POTW only at the location designated and at such times and amounts as established by the Superintendent. The Superintendent may prohibit the disposal of hauled wastes. Such waste shall not violate the prohibited discharge standards of this chapter, or any other requirements established by the City.
   (b)   Applications. All haulers of such waste shall make an application to the Superintendent for a waste hauler's permit before commencing such activities and shall abide by the regulations of said permit. Permits are valid for up to five years. Failure to abide by such regulations shall be cause for revocation of the waste hauler's permit. The Superintendent has the right to inspect all waste hauling vehicles and collect samples of each load. The Superintendent should annually review the charge for waste hauler permits, sampling costs, and waste dumping fees. See divisions (c), (d), and (e) of this section.
   (c)   Septic Discharge Permit. The City shall require septic tank haulers to obtain individual wastewater discharge permits. Septic waste haulers must provide a waste-tracking form for every load. This form shall include, at a minimum, the name and address of the septic waste hauler, permit number, truck indemnification, names and addresses of the sources of the waste, and volume and characteristics of the waste. The hauler may be required to provide a waste analysis of any load prior to discharge at the direction of the POTW operator.
   (d)   Commercial/Industrial Permit.
      (1)   The City shall require haulers of commercial or industrial waste to obtain individual wastewater discharge permits. The POTW operator may prohibit the disposal of hauled commercial or industrial waste. The discharge of hauled industrial waste is subject to all other requirements of this chapter. Commercial or industrial waste haulers must provide a waste-tracking form for every load. This form shall include, at a minimum, the name and address of the commercial or industrial waste hauler, permit number, truck indemnification, names and addresses of the sources of the waste, and volume and characteristics of the waste. The form shall identify the type of industry, known or suspected waste constituents, and whether any waste are RCRA hazardous wastes.
      (2)   This form shall include, at a minimum, the name and address of the waste hauler, permit number, truck identification, names and addresses of the sources of the waste, and volume and characteristics of the waste. The hauler may be required to provide a waste analysis of any load prior to discharge.
   (e)   Commercial/Industrial Waste. Commercial/industrial waste haulers shall discharge loads only at locations designated by the POTW operator. No load may be discharged without prior consent of the POTW operator. The POTW operator may collect samples of each hauled load to ensure compliance with applicable standards. The POTW operator may require the commercial/industrial waste hauler to provide a waste analysis of any load prior to discharge at the direction of the POTW operator.
   (f)   Removal of Manhole Lids. Any removal of manhole lids, or other access to the sewer collection system or POTW any activity including the discharge of hauled septic or industrial wastes, except at locations, quantity, dumping rates, and times, as designated by the Superintendent, shall be considered a violation and shall be subjected to enforcement action, including fines and penalties allowed under this chapter.
   (g)   Testing of Load. During off-loading procedures, loads that appear questionable to the POTW superintendent on duty may be refused and/or sampled by grab technique; all cost relative to sampling shall be borne by the waste hauler and payable within thirty days.
   (h)   Suspension/Revocation of Permit. Suspension or revocation of discharge privileges under this provision may be invoked by the POTW Superintendent for failure to comply with subsections hereof, and for violations of discharge limits within this chapter or for failure to pay invoices for discharge.
   (i)   Suspension of Off Loading. Temporary suspension of off-loading may occur at the discretion of the POTW Superintendent on occasions when the plant is experiencing operation variations.
   (j)   Dumping Fee. The City shall charge a fee for the dumping in the amount as set forth.
(Ord. 5976-24. Passed 6-3-24.)