Any person desiring to make an excavation in a public street or alley of the City shall apply in writing to the City Manager or other officer designated by Council for that purpose. The application shall set forth the name of the applicant, the exact location of the proposed excavation, the approximate size of the excavation or area of the surface proposed to be removed, the purpose of the excavation or removal, the name of the insurance carrier of the applicant, and the amount of insurance against public liability owned by the applicant.
   The application shall contain a covenant that the work shall be done and performed in full compliance with all the requirements of the City relating thereto, and that the applicant will well and sufficiently save, defend, keep harmless and indemnify the City from and against all actions, suits, claims, demands, debts, costs, charges and damages whatsoever resulting to any person or property by reason of the proposed excavation in or removal or disturbance of the surface of the public street or alley or in the performance of the work in connection therewith or in any matter or thing in relation thereto.
(Ord. 1353. Passed 6-5-61.)