Sec. 1. Town boundaries.
   That the inhabitants of the Town of Wilkesboro, living within the territory bounded as follows, viz.: Beginning on the south bank of the Yadkin River at the iron bridge, running westwardly with the base of the hill on to a poplar and three white oaks at a spring in the edge of Col. E. J. Cowles’ bottom; thence same general course to a large red oak on bank of old Jefferson Road at the top of the Curtis Hill; thence across said road southwest to a white walnut, J. M. Walton and L. T. Pruette’s corner; thence southwardly across the river road on to a bunch of dogwoods in D. E. Smoak’s line; thence eastwardly to a red oak on the old Burke Road; thence across the same, including C. H. Craven’s lot, to a stake at I. S. Call’s gate on the ridge above his barn; thence east to bend of mountain road near Wm. Harris, and on east with said road, including James Harris et al., on to a large poplar and Spanish oak on east bank of Still-house Branch; thence down said branch to Cob Creek, and down the same to a birch on north bank of said creek south of J. P. Rousseau’s house; thence north to the base of hill; thence eastwardly with the base of said hill to the old Salem Road; thence across same with base of hill in Capt. J. T. Peden's bottom and north to a sycamore on the bank of Yadkin River; thence up said river to the beginning, containing the Town of Wilkesboro.