(A)   NC historically underutilized businesses (HUB) G.S. § 143-128.4. Vendors must become certified as a HUB firm with the State of North Carolina under the Statewide Uniform Certification Program (SWUC) for good faith efforts participation goals in construction, renovation and repair contracts/projects. Town of Wilkesboro follows the state goals, which is currently 10%. For more information: see School of Government's Coats' Canon Law Blog: https://canons.sog.unc.edu/ good-faith-efforts-prove-it/ or at the NC HUB Office at https://ncadmin.nc.gov/businesses/hub and https://vendor.ncgov.com/vendor/login.
   (B)   Public bidding.
      (1)   Promotes full, fair, and open competition, reduces the risks of fraud, promotes fair play, and lowers costs; therefore, competition should be attempted and obtained for any purchase where competition is available. North Carolina General Statutes requires bidding for materials, supplies, equipment; construction, renovation, and repair contracts; and certain types of services (architectural, engineering, surveying, construction manager-at-risk and data processing/information technology related services).
      (2)   Based on the town's purchasing governance, the town must seek competitive offers from qualified suppliers unless the items can be obtained through existing contracts established by North Carolina state contract. Town of Wilkesboro can participate in North Carolina state contracts whenever these contracts are feasible and cost-effective.
   (C)   Public bidding roles.
      (1)   Town of Wilkesboro has a decentralized process for purchasing in which individual departments identify their needs, obtain competitive pricing, and follow sound, legal purchasing practices; however, the town is not bound by any commitment to a vendor made by a department.
      (2)   Assistance is provided from the:
         (a)   Town Manager/Budget Officer:
            1.   Approving any purchase over $5,000.
            2.   Approves any construction, repair, and renovation projects.
            3.   Signs all town contracts.
            4.   Discusses any purchasing issues with town attorney.
            5.   Placing purchasing items on the Town Council agenda for approvals.
         (b)   Finance Director/Assistant Town Manager:
            1.   Reviews and approves requisitions against appropriations for pre-audit certification and purchase order generation.
            2.   All other finance task to ensure legal, procedural guidelines are followed including documentation, analysis, and acceptance.
            3.   Completes all vendor's application/form request.
         (c)   Town Clerk:
            1.   Advertising required for all types of purchasing.
            2.   Contracts and certificates of insurance must be on file in the Town Clerk's office.
         (d)   Accounts payable:
            1.   Invoices should be turned in with a purchase order number attached to it.
            2.   All quotes should be attached to the invoice(s). After award, a record of all bids received must go to accounts payable for filing.
         (e)   Department employee:
            1.   Along with order information, the employee placing the order shall give each new vendor (not currently listed in financial software as a vendor) a vendor packet and W-9 form to complete and return to accounts payable. These forms are on the town's website and these forms should be used for the most up-to-date vendor packet.
            2.   The employee placing the order shall give the purchase order number to vendors for billing purposes.
(Res. 2020-16, passed 8-3-2020)