In addition to the practices prohibited elsewhere in this chapter, it shall be unlawful:
   (A)   Illegal rates. For a driver to charge or attempt to charge a passenger a greater rate or fare than that which is posted in the vehicle as required by this chapter.
   (B)   Deviating from direct route. For a driver to fail, refuse or neglect to proceed with all reasonable dispatch by the nearest practicable route to the destination of the first person applying to him for transportation unless the person has granted permission to take on or wait for additional passengers.
   (C)   Illegal use of a cab. For a driver, on or off duty, to knowingly permit a taxicab to be used for any illegal act or to acquire and transport in a taxicab any alcoholic beverage for another, or to transport any person to any place where alcoholic beverages or drugs are illegally dispensed or stored.
(Ord. passed 7-10-2006)