Certain land uses may create an adverse impact when developed adjacent to other less intensive land uses. Bufferyards with a screen shall be required between a proposed development and a dissimilar existing land use or zoning designation to provide a transition between them. A bufferyard is a strip of land together with some form of screening such as existing vegetation, planted vegetation, a landscaped earthen berm, a fence, a wall, or a combination of the above.
(A) Landscaped bufferyards must be a minimum width of fifteen feet. Total number of plants required for every 100 linear shall equal or exceed 18. The composition of these required plants shall be 6 evergreen trees, 2 large deciduous trees, 2 small deciduous trees, 6 evergreen shrubs and 2 deciduous shrubs.
(B) Grade changes in areas to be included in the landscaped bufferyards shall not exceed 5% from the pre-development profile, except wherein an earthen berm is incorporated as part of the landscaped area.
(C) All dumpsters, loading docks, or utility structures visible from a public street or adjacent property line shall be screened unless already screened by an intervening building or bufferyard. Landscaping shall not interfere with the access and operation of any such structure or facility. All unenclosed outdoor storage areas greater than 25 square feet shall also be screened from adjacent properties and streets. Screen types shall include 1 of the following:
(1) A continuous hedge of evergreen and/or densely twigged deciduous shrubs;
(2) A row of evergreen trees planted no more than 8 feet apart; or
(3) A fence or wall with a minimum height of 6 feet.
(Ord. passed 9-11-2006)