(A) Applications for zoning permits shall include a landscape plan if 1 or more of the 4 following conditions are met:
(1) The subject property is zoned for non-residential use, grading is eminent and building is to ensue within 12 months from the date of the start of grading.
(2) Building is planned within 12 months on a previously graded site.
(3) Property contains existing commercial use and a disturbance of 50% or more of the land area is planned for the purpose of renovation or addition.
(4) Property contains existing commercial use and the cost of a planned addition or renovation will meet or exceed 50% of the assessed value of the property as determined by the Wilkes County tax assessor.
(B) The landscape plan shall be submitted in written/design form and shall conform to the general provisions of this section and all specifications set out in the applicable guidelines as issued by the town. The landscape plan must address the following 3 vegetative areas:
(1) Street tree plantings;
(2) Bufferyards between non-compatible zoning; and
(3) Parking lot plantings.
(C) A landscape plan shall be submitted prior to the issuance of a zoning permit, or a landscape plan shall be submitted prior to the issuance of a building permit. Landscaping must be installed and inspected prior to receiving a certificate of compliance/ occupancy. Vegetation shall be planted to ensure the best chance of survival and to reduce the potential expense of replacing damaged plant materials. If the season or weather conditions prohibit planting the materials, the developer may provide a bond, an irrevocable letter of credit, or other financial surety in an amount equal to 150% of the cost of installing the required landscaping to guarantee the completion of the required planting. Upon approval of the financial surety, the certificate of compliance/occupancy shall be issued. The financial surety shall be canceled and/or returned upon completion of the required landscaping.
(D) All trees planted pursuant to this division must be planted in amended soils as specified in the guidelines. The trees also must be from an approved list supplied by the town. Where trees are specified to be 2-inch caliper, the minimum height shall be 8 feet. If multistem trees are used, they must have 3 to 5 stems and posses an average height of 8 or greater at the time of planting. All trees must comply with the American Standard for Nursery Stock, published by the American Association of Nurserymen.
(E) A stand of grass or mulch cover shall be established within 45 days upon any area where soil has been disturbed though grading. This 45 day period shall begin upon the first day of grading. A stand of grass shall be considered established when grass blades 3 inches tall or taller cover 80% or more of the bare earth. Mulch cover shall be considered sufficient when a layer of organic material is placed on 80% of the exposed surface area to a depth of 2 inches or more.
(Ord. passed 9-11-2006)