The Mayor and City Council shall have the power by a three-fourths’ vote of the governing body to create by ordinance a paving, graveling or other improvement district and to order such work done upon any federal or state highway in the municipality or upon a street or route, designated by the Mayor and City Council as a main thoroughfare that connects, on both ends, to either a federal or state highway or a county road. The governing body shall contract therefor and shall have the power to assess, to the extent of special benefits, the costs of such improvements upon the properties found especially benefited thereby.
(Prior Code, § 8-313)
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see Neb. RS 17-512
Whenever a petition, signed by the owners of record title representing more than 60% of the front footage of the property directly abutting upon the street, streets, alley, alleys, public way or the public grounds proposed to be improved, shall be presented and filed with the Municipal Clerk, petitioning therefor, the governing body shall by ordinance create a paving, graveling or other improvement district or districts, and shall cause such work to be done or such improvement to be made, and shall contract therefor, and shall levy assessments on the lots and parcels of land abutting on or adjacent to such street, streets, alley or alleys, especially benefited thereby in such district in proportion to such benefits, to pay the cost of such improvement. The governing body shall have the discretion to deny the formation of the proposed district when the area has not previously been improved with a water system, sewer system and grading of streets. If the governing body should deny a requested improvement district formation, it shall state the grounds for such denial in a written letter to interested parties.
(Prior Code, § 8-314)
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see Neb. RS 17-510
(A) (1) Whenever the governing body of a municipality creates an improvement district as specified in § 152.002 which includes land adjacent to the municipality which is within an Agricultural Use Zone and is used exclusively for agricultural use, the owners of record title of such adjacent land may apply for a deferral from special assessments.
(2) For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
AGRICULTURAL USE. The use of land as described in Neb. RS 77-1359, so that incidental use of the land for nonagricultural or non-horticultural purposes shall not disqualify the land.
AGRICULTURAL USE ZONE. Designation of any land predominantly for agricultural or horticultural use by any political subdivision pursuant to Neb. RS 19-925 through 19-933; Chapter 14, Article 4; Chapter 15, Article 9; Chapter 16, Article 9; Chapter 17, Article 10; or Chapter 23, Article 1.
(3) The primary objective of the agricultural use zoning shall be to preserve and protect agricultural activities and the potential for agricultural, horticultural or open use of land. Uses to be allowed on such lands include primarily agricultural-related or horticultural-related uses, and nonagricultural or non-horticultural industrial, commercial or residential uses allowed on such lands shall be restricted so that they do not conflict with or detract from this objective.
(B) Any owner of record title eligible for the deferral granted by this section shall, to secure such assessment, make application to the governing body of the municipality within 90 days after creation of an improvement district as specified in § 152.026. Any owner of record title who makes application for the deferral provided by this section shall notify the County Register of Deeds of such application in writing prior to approval by the governing body. The governing body shall approve the application of any owner of record title upon determination that the property:
(1) Is within an Agricultural Use Zone and is used exclusively for agricultural use; and
(2) The owner has met the requirements of this section.
(C) The deferral provided for in this section shall be terminated upon any of the following events:
(1) Notification by the owner of record title to the governing body to remove such deferral;
(2) Sale or transfer to a new owner who does not make a new application within 60 days of the sale or transfer, except as provided in this division (C);
(3) Transfer by reason of death of a former owner to a new owner who does not make application within 125 days of the transfer;
(4) The land is no longer being used as agricultural land; or
(5) Change of zoning to other than an agricultural zone.
(D) Whenever property which has received a deferral pursuant to this section becomes disqualified for such deferral, the owner of record title of such property shall pay to the municipality an amount equal to:
(1) The total amount of special assessments which would have been assessed against such property, to the extent of special benefits, had such deferral not been granted; and
(2) Interest upon the special assessments not paid each year at the rate of 6% from the dates at which such assessments would have been payable if no deferral had been granted.
(E) In cases where the deferral provided by this section is terminated as a result of a sale or transfer described in divisions (B) or (C) above the lien for assessments and interest shall attach as of the day preceding such sale or transfer.
(Prior Code, § 8-315) (Ord. 526, passed 11-3-1987)
Statutory reference:
Similar provisions, see Neb. RS 19-2428 through 19-2431
Any person who shall violate or refuse to comply with the enforcement of any of the provisions of this chapter, set forth at full length herein or incorporated by reference, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $500 for each offense. A new violation shall be deemed to have been committed every 24 hours of such failure to comply.
(Prior Code, § 8-501) (Ord. 808, passed 12-11-2001)