§ 153.104 FINAL PLAT.
   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of the final plan or plat is to provide a legal document that will be a part of the town and/or county records describing the development rights and land descriptions of the property. The final plan shall include all final agreements between the owner or developer and the town. Submission requirements for final plats are found in § 153.178.
   (B)   Review procedure.
      (1)   Planning and Zoning Commission/Town Board action.
         (a)   In connection with any request for subdivision, a final plat shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of § 153.178. Upon a finding by the Administrator that a complete plan has been submitted, reviewed and approved by all applicable departments, and after consultations with potentially impacted public agencies, the final plat will be scheduled for consideration at a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Board of Trustees.
         (b)   1.   The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the final plat and send its recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
            2.   The Board of Trustees shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the final plat in accordance with the criteria set forth in this chapter. Notice of the public hearing(s) shall be provided in accordance with § 153.109.
      (2)   Recording and filing requirements. The Town Clerk shall cause the final plat and written agreements to be recorded with the County Clerk and Recorder and shall return one executed copy to the applicant. The Clerk shall also file copies of the plats and annexation ordinances as required by state statutes.
      (3)   Withdrawal of subdivision plat or annexation plat request. If the subdivider fails to submit to the Administrator a final plat conforming to the approved preliminary plat or any other requested document within 90 days after the advertised public hearing on the preliminary plat or annexation request, all official approvals of the Town Board or Planning Commission in regard thereto shall be deemed withdrawn.
      (4)   Administrative requirements.
         (a)   The Administrator may set reasonable deadlines for the filing of plans for consideration by the Technical Review Committee, the Planning Commission and the Town Board to allow adequate time for examination by its members.
         (b)   The Administrator shall also make available, at a reasonable cost, copies of these regulations and other related documents, and shall provide a checklist to serve as a guide to the requirements of this chapter for the applicants.
(Ord. 2-98, passed 4-22-1998; Ord. 14-2017, passed 10-11-2017; Ord. 09-2021, passed 10-27-2021)