(a) Zoning Text Amendments. When a proposed amendment would result in a change in the text of this Planning and Zoning Code but would not result in a change of zoning classification of any property on the zoning map, the Planning Commission and City Council shall consider the following items when formulating its decision:
(1) Whether such change is consistent with the intent and purposes of this Planning and Zoning Code;
(2) Which areas are most likely to be directly affected by such change and in what way they will be affected; and
(3) Whether the proposed amendment is made necessary because of changed or changing conditions in the areas of zoning districts affected or in the City generally, and, if so, the nature of such changed or changing conditions.
(b) Zoning Map Amendments. When a proposed amendment would result in a change of zoning classification of any property, the Planning Commission and City Council shall consider the following items when formulating its decision:
(1) The change in classification would:
A. Be consistent with any Comprehensive Plan of the City or other adopted plans and policies.
B. Be consistent with the intent and purposes of this Planning and Zoning Code.
C. Not single out a small area for different treatment from that afforded to the surrounding land which is similar in character.
D. Correct an error in the application of this Planning and Zoning Code as applied to the subject property.
(2) The proposed amendment is made necessary because of changed or changing conditions in the area affected.
(3) The uses that would be permitted on the property if it were reclassified would:
A. Be compatible with the uses permitted on other property in the immediate vicinity.
B. Not have an adverse environmental or health impact on the immediate surrounding area in terms of acceptable air, noise, light, or water quality standards.
(Ord. 2021-46. Passed 10-25-21.)