Amendments to the Planning and Zoning Code or Zoning Map initiated by the passage of a resolution of City Council shall comply with the following:
   (a)   Referral to Planning Commission. After the adoption of a resolution by Council, said resolution shall be referred to the Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation.
   (b)   Public Hearing by Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing as set forth in Section 1341.30(d).
   (c)   Recommendation by Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall recommend one of the following:
      (1)   That the amendment be granted as requested.
      (2)   That the amendment be granted as modified by the Planning Commission, or
      (3)   That the amendment be denied.
The Planning Commission shall be allowed a reasonable time for consideration and report. If the Planning Commission does not make a recommendation on a resolution passed by Council at the first regular meeting of Planning Commission following the public hearing, and the time for responding is not extended by Council, Council shall determine that the recommendation of the Planning Commission is that the amendment be denied.
   (d)   Public Hearing and Action by Council. After receiving a recommendation from the Planning Commission, Council shall follow the procedures for review and hearing of the proposed amendment as set forth in Sections 1341.30(f) through 1341.30(h), inclusive.
      (Ord. 2021-46. Passed 10-25-21.)