The Planning Commission on its own initiative may, by the passage of a motion, recommend to City Council changes in the Planning and Zoning Code and Zoning Map. Prior to any Planning Commission initiated rezoning or redistricting recommendation of any parcel of land, written notice shall be sent by the Planning Commission to the name and address of the owner of any such parcel proposed to be changed, as shown upon the records of Lake County. The written notice shall be sent by first class mail, or email at least fifteen days prior to the day of the Planning Commission meeting to consider such recommendation, and shall include a summary of the proposed amendment. No notice or hearing shall be required by the Planning Commission if the recommendation to be considered by the Planning Commission is to change the Zoning Code (text change). After Planning Commission has made a recommendation to City Council, Council shall follow the procedures for review and hearing of the proposed amendment as set forth in Section 1341.30(f) through 1341.30(i), inclusive.
(Ord. 2021-46. Passed 10-25-21.)