(a)   When a Conditional Use Permit has been approved by the Planning Commission, which sets forth any specific terms, conditions, and safeguards that shall be required so that the use will conform with the intent and standards of the district, the Building Commissioner shall inspect the premises after one year and annually thereafter for compliance to said specific terms, conditions, and safeguards.
   (b)   When a Conditional Use Permit has been granted to an owner or his agent and the said Conditional Use Permit has been assigned or transferred to another owner or his agent, the new owner or his agent shall not be issued a Certificate of Occupancy until the Building Commissioner determines that the Conditional Use Permit currently complies with its specific terms, conditions, and safeguards.
   (c)   The Planning Commission may revoke a Conditional Use Permit upon the recommendation of the Building Commissioner upon determining that the use does not comply with said specific terms, conditions, and safeguards of such permit.
(Ord. 2012-48. Passed 6-25-12.)