(a)   Pending the correction of violations of these Codified Ordinances, applicable City rules and regulations, the Ohio Revised Code, or the Ohio Basic Building Code, the owner of a structure may secure the structure through effective boarding.
   (b)   To effectively board the structure, the owner shall apply, within seven days of receiving a notice of violation, to the Building Department for a permit to determine if it can be effectively boarded, and grant or deny the owner a permit to board, setting forth special requirements, if any, necessary for compliance with minimum standards for effective boarding.
   (c)   The owner shall effectively board the structure within seven days of the issuance of a boarding permit, or within such other time limit that the Building Commissioner deems appropriate.
   (d)   Effective boarding shall include, but not be limited to, doors, windows or other areas open to ingress and egress and to weather elements. Such opening shall be secured by plywood at least one-half inch thick and cut and fit into the openings. Openings in excess of 48 inches wide shall be framed with two-inch by four-inch lumber frame. All exterior boarding shall be painted to correspond to the color of the dwelling.
   (e)   Upon effectively boarding the structure, the owner shall monitor and maintain the structure and its surrounding premises in a safe, secured and sanitary condition. Any portion of the exterior structure that is deemed to be potentially hazardous shall be removed or treated in such a manner so as to eliminate the hazard. Failure of the owner to properly maintain the building in the above condition will result in the structure being deemed a public nuisance and scheduled for demolition.
   (f)   Structures that are boarded without first obtaining a boarding permit shall continue to be considered public nuisances subject to demolition.
   (g)   Within thirty days of the issuance of a permit to board, the owner shall apply for a building permit. Failure of the owner to obtain a building permit subsequent to effective boarding will result in the structure being deemed a public nuisance and scheduled for demolition.
   (h)   Rehabilitation of an effectively boarded structure shall commence within thirty days of receiving a building permit. If rehabilitation does not commence within this time period, or if the building permit is otherwise invalidated or revoked, then the Building Commissioner may declare that the nuisance has not been abated and may schedule the structure for demolition.
   (i)   If the owner, agent or person in control fails, neglects or refuses to comply with this section, the Building Commissioner may take appropriate action to demolish and remove an unsafe structure, pursuant to Ohio R.C. 715.261, or may advise the Director of Law of the facts in the case, who, in turn, may institute appropriate action in court to cause correction of the violations and defects or effective boarding of such structure pending rehabilitation.
   (j)   The securing of building permits for such structure shall not in and of itself bar the Building Commissioner from taking action to abate the nuisance.
(Ord. 2007-25. Passed 4-9-07.)