Whenever the Building Commissioner finds that any building or structure or part thereof in the City is in such an unsafe condition as to endanger life, by reason of deterioration of materials or lack of repair or maintenance, or is or will become a hazard to the health, safety or welfare of its occupants or the public, or is or will become a blighting or deteriorating factor in any zoning district in the City of Wickliffe, or will impair or adversely affect the value of neighboring and/or contiguous property, the Building Commissioner shall report such facts to Council, which may, thereupon, declare such building or structure to be a nuisance. The Building Commissioner shall have authority and it shall be his or her duty to forthwith notify in writing the owner, agent, or person in possession, charge or control of such building or structure or part thereof, to adopt and put into effect such precautionary measures as may be necessary or advisable in order to place such building or structure or part thereof in a safe condition or proper repair or maintenance. Such notice shall state briefly the nature of the work required to be done and shall specify the time within which the work required to be done shall be completed by the person notified, which time shall be fixed by the Building Commissioner upon taking into consideration the condition of such building or structure or part thereof and the danger to life or property, which may result from its unsafe condition or lack of repair or maintenance.
(Ord. 2007-25. Passed 4-9-07.)