A notice of violation shall be considered duly served by the following actions:
   (a)   By personal delivery to the person or persons responsible, or leaving the notice at the usual place of residence of the owner with a person of suitable age and discretion; or
   (b)    By certified mail deposited in the United States Post Office addressed to the person or persons responsible at a last known address. If a certified mail envelope is returned with endorsement showing that the envelope is unclaimed, then service shall be sent by ordinary mail, and the mailing shall be evidenced by a certificate of mailing which shall be filed by the Building Commissioner. Service shall be deemed complete when the fact of mailing is entered into the record, provided that the ordinary mail envelope is not returned by the postal authorities with an endorsement showing failure of delivery; or
   (c)   By posting a copy of the notice form in a conspicuous place on the premises found in violation.
      (Ord. 2003-34. Passed 6-23-03.)