(a)   A nonconforming building or use shall cease to be considered as such whenever it complies with the requirements of the district in which it is located and shall not be resumed thereafter.
   (b)   A proposed building conforming in all respects to this Zoning Ordinance shall be permitted on the same zone lot as a nonconforming building or use, provided the lot area, lot width and number and location of parking spaces of the nonconforming use and the conforming building equal the sum of the lot area, lot width and parking spaces required for each use, and provided the distances between the conforming building and nonconforming building or use are equal to the distances required if the two uses were on adjacent zone lots; provided, however, that in a one-family and two-family district, only one main building shall be permitted on a zone lot. (Ord. 1961-103. Passed 12-29-61.)