A building or other structure existing lawfully at the time this Zoning Ordinance became effective, but which does not conform as to area or width of lot, yard dimensions, lot coverage, height of building, use intended or other regulations of the district in which it is located, is a lawful nonconforming building. Such building may be continued to be occupied so long as it remains otherwise lawful, subject to the following provisions:
   (a)    Maintenance and Repair. A nonconforming building may continue to be used, maintained and repaired; provided, however, no structural parts shall be replaced except when required by law to restore to a safe condition, or to make the building or use conform to the regulations of this district in which it is located.
   (b)    Additions. A nonconforming building shall not be altered, added to or enlarged unless the additions and original building are made to conform to the yard, coverage and height regulations of the district in which it is located, except a nonconforming dwelling may be altered, modernized or enlarged, provided the alterations and enlargements conform to all the yard regulations.
   (c)    Moving. A nonconforming building shall not be moved in whole or in part to any other location on the lot or other premises, unless every portion of such building so moved is made to conform to all regulations of the district in which it is to be located.
   (d)    Restoration of Damaged Building. If a nonconforming building is damaged or destroyed by any cause, to the extent of fifty percent or less of its reproduction value, those portions so destroyed or damaged may be restored but to not more than its former size, provided such restoration is completed within a period of one year from date of damage or destruction. If such a building is occupied by a nonconforming use prior to damage, such use may be continued.
If a nonconforming building is damaged or destroyed by more than fifty percent of its reproduction value, no repairing or reconstruction shall be made unless every portion of the building is made to conform to regulations of the districts in which the building construction contractors, one to be appointed by the owner, one to be appointed by the City and the third to be selected by mutual consent of the two parties.
   (e)    Euclid Avenue Setback. Nonconforming buildings so classified because they do not meet the seventy foot front yard set back on Euclid Avenue may be altered, modernized or added to, provided the alterations and additions are subject to the following provisions:
      (1)    Off-street parking regulations and loading regulations shall comply with the provisions of the existing ordinances governing such regulations.
      (2)    Side yard regulations, rear yard regulations, lot coverage regulations, building height regulations and use regulations shall comply with the provisions of the existing ordinances governing such regulations.
      (3)    New facades may be permitted on existing nonconforming building elevations provided the new material does not exceed six inches nor encroach on the public right of way.
      (4)    New overhangs may be permitted on existing nonconforming building provided the new material does not require ground supports nor project more than three feet from the building nor project into the public right of way.
      (5)    Enlargement of a nonconforming building may be extended into the side and rear yards, and shall further comply with all of the provisions of the Building Code, existing ordinances governing such regulations and the provisions of subsection (e)(1) and (2).
         (Ord. 1980-32. Passed 10-13-80.)