The following regulations are necessary to govern certain uses which are of a temporary nature. Such uses require temporary zoning permits. Application for temporary zoning permits shall be made to the Building Commissioner at least thirty (30) days before instigation of such use. The application for zoning permit shall include a graphic description of the property to be used, a description of the proposed use, a site plan with sufficient information to determine the yard, setback, parking and sanitary facility requirements for the proposed use, and the permit fee as established by Ordinance of Council.
   The following are deemed to be temporary uses and shall be subject to the specified regulations and time limits which follow, as well as the general regulations, sign regulations, and parking regulations applicable to the district in which they are located:
   (a)    Real Estate Offices: Real estate sales offices, which shall contain no living accommodations, shall be permitted within any district for any new subdivision for a period of six months, except that three (3) six month extensions may be granted if conditions warrant. Such offices shall be removed upon the completion of the sales of lots therein, or upon the expiration of the zoning permit, whichever occurs first.
   (b)    Temporary Building and Facilities: Temporary buildings, offices, construction trailers, equipment and storage facilities required in conjunction with construction activity may be permitted within any district for a period of six (6) months, except that three (3) month extensions may be granted if it can be shown that significant progress and sincere effort is being made to complete construction. Such uses shall be removed immediately upon completion of the construction, or upon expiration of the zoning permit, whichever occurs first.
   (c)    Temporary Circuses, Festivals and Carnivals. Temporary circuses, festivals, carnivals, tent shows, sideshows and artificial curiosity exhibits, with the approval of the Building Commissioner, may be permitted. Plans shall be submitted indicating the proposed stages of operation and the future uses or rehabilitation to be carried out on the site.
   (d)    Special Events. Special events, with the approval of the Building Commissioner, may be permitted. Plans shall be submitted indicating the proposed stages of operation of the special event to be carried out on the site.
   (e)    Temporary Commercial Sales. Property owners or resident business establishments may conduct temporary commercial sales, such as sidewalk sales, sales of plants, flowers, produce, trees, arts and craft and similar items, may be permitted according to the following:
      (1)   Industrial and Commercial Districts: Applications for temporary commercial sales on a lot located in an industrial or commercial district shall be submitted to the Building Commissioner for approval.
      (2)    Residential Districts: The sale of seasonal agricultural products grown or produced on the premises shall be permitted without obtaining a zoning certificate.
      (3)    Private Recreation/Institutional Districts:
         A.    Institution Sales Lasting Less Than Three Days: The Building Commissioner may authorize an institution to conduct a sales event provided that such event shall be limited in time to no more than three days.
         B.    Institution Sales Lasting Longer Than Three Days: The Building Commissioner may authorize an institution to conduct a sales event that lasts longer than three days. Application shall be made directly to the Building Commissioner. A site plan shall be submitted along with a written statement from the property owner giving his/her permission for such use if such event is conducted on property other than that which is owned by the institution.