Land Split (under 5 acres)
$ 200.00
Land Split (over 5 acres)
   (b)   The usual nonrefundable filing fee to appear before the Planning Commission, payable to the Director of Finance, shall be as follows:
Conditional Use Permit
$ 300.00
Plat Approval
Parking Plan Approval
(Ord. 2021-14. Passed 4-26-21.)
   (c)   When application is made for any approval by the Planning Commission, the Building Commissioner and/or the Mayor’s designee, shall determine that, by the nature of the application, the professional consulting services of the City Engineering Firm, the City Law Director and/or other professionals may be necessary and/or that other expenses shall be incurred by this City in the processing of such application, the applicant shall then deposit additional funds in a special account with the Director of Finance to defray such expenses as are attendant to his application in such amount as determined appropriate by the Building Commissioner or the Mayor’s designee.
      (1)   The Building Commissioner’s or the Mayor’s designee’s decision for the necessity of deposit or amount thereof may be appealed to the Planning Commission who shall rule on such issue within forty days from presentation of appeal to the Commission and whose determination on the subject of the deposit shall be guided by the necessity for rendition to it of such professional consulting services by the City Engineering Firm, Law Director, and/or other professional services. The Planning Commission’s decision on the subject of the deposit shall be final.
         In the event professional consulting services rendered by the City Engineering Firm, Law Director and/or other professional services are necessary, as determined by the Planning Commission, the Building Commissioner and/or the Mayor’s designee, the same shall be approved by the Commission, and they shall be rendered at prevailing contractual hourly rates for such consulting services as established herein.
      (2)   The Director of Finance shall establish special accounts within the City’s funds on behalf of such applicants and upon authorization of the Building Commissioner and/or Mayor’s designee, shall pay unto the City, by way of reimbursement, all expenses incurred in connection with the applicant’s business before the Commission. Should any applicant’s special fund have a balance of less than twenty percent of the original deposit, the Building Commissioner and/or the Mayor’s designee may request in writing that the applicant provide an additional deposit. In the event such application is approved or disapproved by the Planning Commission or withdrawn by the applicant, any funds remaining in such special deposit account, after payment of all lawful charges thereupon, shall immediately be returned to the applicant. The Director of Finance shall furnish an accounting of charges to such fund at any reasonable times upon request of the applicant and upon final dispersal.
      (3)   Upon any failure to pose deposit funds to defray municipal overhead as herein provided, the Planning Commission may dismiss any application.
      (4)   Nothing herein shall obligate the Planning Commission to grants its approval of an application or be construed as consideration thereof. Such funds are to be applied to furnish the Planning Commission with necessary technical data from professional municipal consultants when requested or required by it on specific applications or to defray necessary advertising and/or other administrative expenses regardless of the outcome of the Planning Commission’s final recommendation to Council.
   (d)   When services of the following City employees are necessitated with respect to any construction project, such service will be charged in accordance with these rates:
Rates per Hour
Law Director
$ 150.00
Building Commissioner
Building Inspector
      (1)   In addition to the above rates when a Building Inspector is required to appear at job site he will be paid a minimum of one hour. If an Inspector is required to work more than eight hours in any given day he shall be paid at a rate of one and one half times the above rate at any hours above eight hours per day.
         (Ord. 1997-32. Passed 5-26-98.)